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Climate hawk. Board member, End Climate Silence, Communities Responding to Extreme Weather. Former ED, Climate Hawks Vote. Newsletter:
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Almost the only place on earth that is unusually cold at the moment is the North American interior. The Arctic (+5C) and Antarctic (+0.5C), Europe, Southeast Asia, Siberia are all hotter than the pre-GW baseline. |
@climatebrad Same here in Pyrenean Mountains,
Long time ago, activists fought to try to prevent heavy truck trafic between France and Spain... Super heavy rains did the job.
would be better to block fossil energy facilities, or representatives (governments) buildings
blocking road / public services only raises hate towards climate activists and put them in danger
@climatebrad Yes. People on their commute aren't causing this; the oil industry and government are. Picking on regular people is cowardly; go after the sources, where it actually makes a difference, and all else follows from that.