This profile might be incomplete.
Open on Audubon BallroomPlaces Visited:
Grave of Malcolm X 45 mins outside of NYC. Mausoleum of Che Guevara in Cuba. Jim Morrison's grave in Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris.
Countries Lived In:
UK - nothing to be proud of, Switzerland, Germany, USA, Hong Kong, Guatemala, Spain, Colombia
Countries Visited:
Netherlands, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium, Monte Carlo, Mexico Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, India, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Ghana
Favorite Books:
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Beloved. The Temple of My Familiar. Anything by Toni Morrison, Octavia E Butler, Alice Walker, James Baldwin, Iain Banks and most black authors of their calibre.
Personal infoAbout:
Lived & worked in 6 continents. Speak Spanish. Meditate. Stand up 4 everyone. Attended million man march. 6ft2. Very funny in talking. WhatsApp +447341446247 I'm autistic. Not everyone who is autistic etc will say that they are or has been diagnosed as such yet; so it might be best to assume that everyone is gentle in their words just in case.
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@blackunityoverdisagreement :blobcat_comfhappy: