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187 posts total

If you give money to a #FOSS project #OpenSource, unless it was some special signed agreement, you don’t get to tell them how they use it. It’s now their money.

For some it’s a hobby, for some it is their job, but either way it’s their time and that does cost money. We all gotta eat and live and pay bills.

If you’re gonna get mad, don’t donate. If you want something specific: do it via a proper signed agreement where you’re basically contracting them. Otherwise, shhh.


I can't be alone in this...

When I need to run a #Linux command in terminal...


There it is, lol.


I still check Reddit, even though I deleted my account for:

- News I miss
- To see who shares my stuff and where

Came across this gem today:

2 comments, one saying my factual title is misleading, another saying it's done for clicks.....sigh.

And then the mods just removed the post. Lol. Fuck reddit.


That same user posted about my previous article, going over the previous announcement of X.Org and Xwayland security issues...and got a lot of upvotes


Musk showed this about Twitter traffic, look at the end of it. That's all bots. The bots are literally everywhere.

Lukas Rox

@ThePlant Tons of bots, no moderation, lots of hate, lots of morbid videos. I'm glad I closed my Twitter account.


I wished more developers would #opensource their game code at the very least, a few years after release.

Allow your games to live forever on more platforms!


You know what's annoying about running something, I often get DMs like this...

It happens in Discord, Twitter, Mastodon...everywhere. So tiring to remove them all, and constantly tell people to ask for support / questions in public.


I love the power that #Mastodon gives you. Saw a notification from a user on the @gamingonlinux feed, from let's say...a server run by a group of people I despise.

So, thanks to the tools available, I entirely blocked the server.

Power in users hands, love it.


Well, just got a forced lunch break.

Some ModSecurity thing just updated itself on the @gamingonlinux server and now blocks me posting articles 🙃

Rachel Rawlings

@ThePlant @gamingonlinux looks like Ill be looking closely at system updates today.


uBlacklist is my favourite browser extension, letting you block websites from search results. Really helps clear out spammy sites.


Just...ew. Imagine wanting Elon Musk as a god in your game. What the heck are Crytivo doing?


Saw a bug in #Helldivers 2 where a player had their arms stuck out the whole game, so they basically did a Jack Sparrow run across the map.

Wish I recorded earlier + more, because it was so funny.


How it feels to look at any replies on X/Twitter now


Started my day editing and approving 3 submitted articles to @gamingonlinux, nice to see the system works. Anyone can submit anything (naturally I don't approve everything and often send stuff back).


Proton and Nier: Automata — the untold story behind what makes the Steam Deck tick

I'm referenced a few times in this, and to my embarrassment my initial insanely excited reaction to Proton is kinda famous now lol

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