visited the first language classes today. lucky they haven't progressed further my current duolingo unit :ElainaTired: WAIFU ESTA CASADO CON LIBBY :libbie_idle:
thank you the shopkeepers and cashiers for patience and unerstanding when i cant make sense in horrible spaninglirussian :saddercat:
it's cool that latam friens like anime, there is a lot of weeb stores that sell merch with the best titles:
dragonball, the simpsons and south park. VAMO ARHENTINNA :arepa: trying to prompt a profile picture on i5 cpu (((an hour per x512 image))) challenge (impossible)
havig fediverse makes bad sleep schedule
bad sleep schedule makes you leave fediverse leaving fediverse makes good sleep schedule good sleep schedule makes you have fediverse again a friend self-hosted a small comfy imageboard, spread around and actually got asked "how do i sign up". real :trollge:
guys guys guys did you know that having to touch grass everyday actually helps and it gets better with time and computer bad?!! why literally nobody ever talks about it
elfie and waifu talking to each other in spanish and me seriously pretending it's something something cartel stuff from breaking bad