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289 posts total
the real lebron
did some calculations again as i do twice a year for house prices, checked the statistics, compared the statistics

- all values in estonia -

and the answer: yup its still fucked
to buy a liveable house or apartment with a loan of STARTING AT 200 000€, the monthly loan payments are literally equal to the median monthly wage of the previous quarter this year (OR MORE IF THE EURIBOR RISES!). Actually its MORE FUCKED than the last time i calculated, where the loanpayment was below or equal, now its equal or more

it's actually fucking mathematically impossible to buy a house with a median wage with a bank loan, to buy a house that you can live in without the water crashing through the roof and heating pipes exploding randomly while breathing in soviet mold from 1972

ITS SO FUCKING FUCKED, the only houses/apartments at or below 100 000€ are literally built pre 1900, how is this even______&______*_______?
Another house, 160k, ground floor is literally rotting and all floor boards are removed, its literally sand and the rotting carcass of the outerwalls, but the 2nd floor is good and livable. 160k FOR THAT!?

on median wage, assuming no loan, it's currently impossible to save up for a house before age 50 assuming 50% is stashed away for buying a house in one swoop. However, if the neverendingly rapidly increasing average real estate price per m2 is also calculated into the estimate, then lmfao you die before you can buy a house with a median wage

it just feels wrong to know thats the case, even though this doesnt even affect me that much rn, it's just so fucking EVIL that this is the case.
in 10 years in my town, the average sold m2 price of apartment realestate, has gone from 980€/m2 to 2800€/m2 (2.86x)
haha ????
in the capital, its gone from 1550€/m2 to 3500€/m2 (2.26x)

for the capital's €/m2 price hike, assuming compound interest 4.5% (more than double much higher than the total eurozone intrest in 10 years) over 10 years, it shouldve gone from 1550€ to 2550€ (1.65x)
did some calculations again as i do twice a year for house prices, checked the statistics, compared the statistics

- all values in estonia -

the real lebron
Тр3тий Сергеевич

@lebronjames75 > 4 hour long videos

That is a weird way to say "an essay about the fraudulence of Tommy Tallarico wrapped in a red herring story about the origins of Roblox "OOF" sound"

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