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507 posts total
great eepe :flag:
steam dick cocking station is here.... neighboring city beaus posti fucked up again
:umu: :umu:
@hj it now needs steam controller 2 with same layout as steam deck itself
great eepe :flag:
can software developers PLEASE
for love of Terry A. Davis and Dennis Ritchie
stop living in ideal world of mathematics and informatics
and actually try to use and like using computers?

>computer bad
>heres a mathematicaly proven theory that solution X will make computer mathematically better by Y percent
>"well now computer is even worse but it's mathematically better"
can software developers PLEASE
for love of Terry A. Davis and Dennis Ritchie
stop living in ideal world of mathematics and informatics
and actually try to use and like using computers?
great eepe :flag:
if @helene was out this long taking a piss

that can only mean one thing only.

@lain is out there taking a mythical shit

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