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King Kaufman

Late last night, I checked the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, the three major legit networks news sites. None of them were treating this as a big story.

The NYTimes and CNN had it near the top of their front page, but with several stories played bigger. None of the others even had the story on their front pages.

A candidate for president, and a former president, saying he would encourage Russia to attack our allies. Not news.

You know what was big news, presented as a bigger story than this, by orders of magnitude? Trump asking where Nikki Haley's husband is.

Your liberal media at work.

Late last night, I checked the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, the three major legit networks news sites. None of them were treating this as a big story.

The NYTimes and CNN had it near the top of their front page, but with several stories played bigger. None of the others even had the story on their front pages.

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@kingkaufman And this from a person who doesn't pay taxes and lies about the value of his properties to get loans he shouldn't. Also, with respect to Nikki Haley's husband, one would think Trump supporters would actually want a candidate smart enough to ask the person next to him where her husband is before shooting off his mouth. It's not like it's that hard to figure out.

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