failed pilot for a 1980s kids show featuring a christian computer
failed pilot for a 1980s kids show featuring a christian computer The "Reimagine" feature on Google's new Pixel 9 lineup is incredible. It's so impressive that testing it has left me feeling uneasy on multiple occasions. i love this song because it’s so me. i really do go to the store sometimes!! she gets me @samhenrigold It's great to go to the supermarket when your life is perfect and you're perfectly healthy. It's very relaxing for me :hamster_dance: Coda by Panic (the text editor) got a round of applause at #xoxofest. god i’ll miss this place “This is the only room in the world where I can say I am confident multiple people here run Mastodon servers” Nilay Patel, The Verge #XOXOFest turns out i can't make it to #xoxofest this year, but i'm really looking forward to hearing about it & seeing everyone's pictures :cozylovebun: if you're going, pls say hi to @samhenrigold & @matthewbischoff! get some cute lickability stickers from them! PSA: If your app has home screen widgets, they will most likely require some extra work to appear correctly on iOS 18 in the tinted mode. (thread) The difference between the vibrant appearance from last year (iOS widgets on the macOS desktop) is that for the tint mode, the opacity of views is used to render the widget. You can use the \.widgetRenderingMode environment variable and check for '.accented' to detect this mode. @samhenrigold Yeah, it's rely tough, what with the organizers of the convention pushing a new leader. you’d think an organization called TransUnion would be way more progressive than what is actually is, a credit reporting agency. Reminds me of how some our trains have screens in them that sometimes show a slide saying "thank you for choosing Russian Railways". Guess how many train companies we have. cant wait to watch this week’s episode of last week tonight about orphan organ farming or radiation inheritance or famine profiteering or whatever the fuck @samhenrigold I find it funny that there's a good chunk of people that write off LWT as "politics for babies" given this is what an average episode looks like now lmao here print this out and put it next to your monitor:
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@samhenrigold they're valid, they're trying to build a fully FOSS ecosystem, they still allow these apps, they are just marked as these. There's also third party repos like IzzyOnDroid, but F-Droid itself has a mission to push for FOSS, and that's kind of it. I see why. Most people don't even look too closely into these anti feature tags, but some people do like to know this kind of thing, hence these flags are nice to have. @samhenrigold @jascha as a user I absolutely love F-Droid for being strict. I get that the developer side is hostile. I really do. I'm not saying your post does not matter. I'm just saying: this hostility has value on the consumer side of things. To me, I would even say *great* value. I don't know any other place where I can be reasonably relaxed when downloading apps. I totally take a look at Anti-Feature Flags. And if they make sense for the app in question, I'm totally fine with it. This is what terrifies me about switching away from Apple platforms if the company decides go through with running them to the ground with their iron fist. From everything I’ve seen, the high-quality, crafted app experiences either are rare or just don’t exist out there, depending on what you’re after. @tuomas_h @samhenrigold Almost looks like nice untapped app sales potential for capable iOS developers with stylistic talent 🤔 Is it a law that Android cannot have a single decent podcast client? I have like six of the top podcast apps on my phone and none of them look nice or feel good to use. The least bad is Pocket Casts because it's not absolutely horrendous.
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@samhenrigold I use PocketCasts on iOS and it seems like it looks a bit nice there, not sure. Regardless, check out Castamatic if you haven’t? Pretty sure that’s available cross platform and it doesn’t look horrible. It’s a bit Podcast 2.0 oriented, but seems like it has decent features and appearance from the cursory look I gave it. @samhenrigold @samhenrigold I understand. Few many years ago, it was impossible to find a good third party client for twitter on Android. None of them could do what tweetbot or twitterific were doing. |