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Johannes Ernst

The amount of my life that I have spent attempting to authenticate to some git server and failing is way out of proportion. Today, suddenly gitlab http auth fails on repos where it worked forever. Why? No idea. Get an error message, perhaps? You must be kidding.

Moving to ssh, which works. But why?

Johannes Ernst

Sam Altman "was not consistently candid in his communications with the board" -- ouch.

Something rather outrageous must have happened there over quite some time.

#openia #ai #altman

Johannes Ernst

Status: sitting in the big chair, made it to Chapter 4, Graph Neural Networks for Node Classification, listening to Paolo Conte, while the dog is looking on. Could be worse I guess.

Johannes Ernst

AWS apropos software quality:

"Significant sequences of spaces might be lost in some uses (especially multiple spaces)"

Translate: it's a pile of spaghetti code we can't make ourselves look at again.

Johannes Ernst

billg has an interesting piece out.

I'm not sure I relate to his answers very much, but he is asking some good questions.

Chuks Awa

@J12t Agreed! The media fails the American people everyday, this is exactly what a headline about this failure of a man should look like. Kudos to Esquire

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@J12t Mikes rules of business #34 Never take a percentage of profit when someone else is doing the accounting.

Shannon Clark

@J12t I did some very rough back of the envelope math and this implies that iPhones may be about 10% of Google’s global revenues (may be more). Basically 36% turning into $10B (at least) means about $27B gross revenues which is almost exactly 10% of Google’s revenue in 2022

Which given Google’s size and scale is pretty staggering. But then there are also a lot of iPhones out there…

Johannes Ernst

Is there any dish worth cooking that doesn’t involve the chopping of vegetables for some ungodly amount of time??

Today’s edition: Hungarian Goulash.


@J12t mmmm, goulash

I spent 3 hours today cutting and cooking veggies, but now I have ample supply to keep me full of curries for a while :)

Travis F W

@J12t got a food processor on your wish list?

Johannes Ernst

There are quite a few people on #threads who post something along the lines of:

“Dear algorithm, please help me find people who …” with some topics they are interested in.

Usually, everyone complains about “the algorithm”, but in this case, people are seeking it out.

Erlend Sogge Heggen

@J12t this would actually work for them (and the platform, as a service) if only they could actually talk to their algorithm!

Johannes Ernst

@doc just posted this, about Sam Altman of #OpenAI promising at a recent conference that AI will ""Individual Empowerment and Agency on a Scale We’ve Never Seen Before”

Count me deeply skeptical. The tech may or may not be able deliver this, it's too early to tell.

But we should worry about the people who control the technology that potentially may be able to do this. It’s by and large the same people as the ones who brought us #surveillance capitalism. Empowerment?

@doc just posted this, about Sam Altman of #OpenAI promising at a recent conference that AI will ""Individual Empowerment and Agency on a Scale We’ve Never Seen Before”

Count me deeply skeptical. The tech may or may not be able deliver this, it's too early to tell.

Jon Udell

@J12t @doc Seems plausible to me that personal LLMs may do a good job with personal data. Not what the BigCos have in mind, but still ... could happen?

Johannes Ernst

Great piece by @cstross on the relationship between #scifi and creating a worthwhile future, apparently delivered as a keynote yesterday.

“We're sorry we created the Torment Nexus”

Johannes Ernst

Have questions for our #fediverse panel on The Well? You can submit them by e-mail even if you are not a member.

Matthias Pfefferle

@J12t I am not sure I understand the format, but a nice panel cast it is ☺️

Johannes Ernst

Hard to keep track how many wars and civil wars are going on these days.

Here: #myanmar

Johannes Ernst

Are there way more mutual aid requests here today than usual? #mutualaid

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