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Johannes Ernst

So who is going to be the first to write up a detailed technical #analysis of what the #twitter #algorihm actually does? (Not me, but I want to read it!)

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@J12t Will that analysis establish just how biased it is and in which direction?


@J12t That's such an easy one. It drives a lot of news users here to the fediverse :)

Patrick, the Linux guy


I like the "contribution" section.

So, not only are they now giving out information on how to game the system, but also welcome changes to it?

Johannes Ernst

#chatgpt blocked in Italy over data privacy concerns. If the legal foundation for this is valid in Italy, it would also be valid in all of EU and more places that have #gdpr like laws in place.

Johannes Ernst

Worse, if a person under secret service protection is convicted and needs to go to jail, do secret service agents need to move into jail with him? Jails are dangerous places. Inquiring minds want to know.

Johannes Ernst

If the accused is under secret service protection, does the secret service prevent outsiders from reaching the accused, or the accused from reaching the outside?

Johannes Ernst

Note to self: while the printed part is still in the #3Dprinter, do not accidentally heat up the plate to a higher temperature.

Melt melt melt melt ...

Johannes Ernst

Renewed my membership in #Mydata Global today. There are lots of common values and goals between the #Fediverse and the MyData community, but very people -- like myself -- are involved in both.

D. Schmudde

@J12t what sort of activities are associated with #MyData? I see some recognition for individual efforts…

Johannes Ernst

Did a #Fediforum debrief between us organizers @Dangerangel @Identitywoman and me. By general agreement, we think FediForum was a great success! Lots of good people, being passionate and engaged across the various sessions, far more important topics than could conceivably be discussed -- some people continued discussing even after the event ended -- and lots of follow-up. Some resulted in very specific steps that will move the Fediverse forward.

We will do this again! Stay tuned and in touch!!

Tim Erickson, @stpaultim

@J12t @Dangerangel @Identitywoman

The problem with online events, for me, is that it's too easy to get pulled away from them.

I had a great time on day one and would like to participate again in the future. BUT, when life got too hectic, I decided I couldn't afford to stick around for day 2.


@J12t @Dangerangel @Identitywoman
Just a reminder, some of us are brainstorming on the idea of holding an online event later this year. Feel free to chime in:

Your vision for FediForum 2.0 may be different from ours for ActivityConf 2.0 or your organizing group may just prefer to organize separately, and that's totally fine. But we can at least try to pick our dates so people can attend both, and cross-promote.

Johannes Ernst

The party of law and order is awfully fast taking taking the other side. But then, of course, it isn’t now, and perhaps never was other than in public pronouncements.

James M.

@J12t the same party is also not for personal freedom, fiscal responsibility, or small government. They're all just con artists.

Johannes Ernst

30 counts of business fraud. Hmm. Does not round to zero.

Johannes Ernst

Data quality on e-commerce sites is just extremely awful. Sorting by "lowest to highest" price is basically always useless, because you get dozens of pages of only vaguely related accessories and parts first before you get to the first actual product that belongs into the category. Seems to be true across the web.
I would consider preferentially buying from an e-commerce site that has good data quality.


The seller defines what an item's categories are, and they are trying to cover all the ways people might search. That part will be the same on any platform.

Johannes Ernst

Shout-out to the #Fediverse #app developers at #FediForum today and their excellent demos: 1) @mike: Flipboard, a social magazine app now connecting to the Fediverse, 2) @h3poteto: WhaleBird and Fedistar, desktop apps for not just Mastodon, 3) @rabble: Planetary, a decentralized mobile app based on SSB, 4) @manton:, a blogging and social platform connecting to the Fediverse and other protocols, and 5) @pfefferle: ActivityPub plugin for Wordpress, connecting Wordpress to the Fediverse.

Johannes Ernst

@mike @h3poteto @rabble @manton @pfefferle

Thank you very much for your excellent demos, and showing off the sheer diversity and innovation that is the #Fediverse at #fediforum

Patty A. Gray

@J12t @mike @h3poteto @rabble @manton @pfefferle

I can’t wait to explore what I can do with my Wordpress website now that I can connect it to the fediverse!

Mike McCue

@J12t @h3poteto @rabble @manton @pfefferle It was awesome to participate and see all the great work happening. Very exciting times ahead.

Johannes Ernst

Good morning #FediForum @fediforum . I'm all excited seeing you all soon on Day 2!

Johannes Ernst

@evan had the idea of a “#fediverse #developer network” earlier today. Pondering this, I think this is a really excellent idea. It brings under one umbrella a whole bunch of other ideas how to move the fediverse forward, and simplifies those a lot. I think we should investigate this …

What about we do a #fediforum session tomorrow on this? Maybe @davidslifka would join us, who recently talked to some potential funders for things like that I think.

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Tim Chambers

@J12t @evan @davidslifka

And yes: definitely add one session on this tomorrow. #FediForum

Andy Piper

@J12t @evan @davidslifka love this idea - for today’s #fediforum sessions I am double-booked for an early dinner in London but very very interested in this space around APIs, tech docs, and developer projects. I’ve done some initial writing about it, albeit more with a Mastodon focus, but want to grow this.


> had the idea of a “fediverse developer network” earlier today

Yes, this is important. All constructive community organising is welcome.

Previous attempts include Feneas (defunct), and SocialHub, which has been quiet for a couple of years due to various global distractions (pandemic etc), but is in the process of regrouping.

@evan @davidslifka

Johannes Ernst

This is fine, nothing to see here. “One in ten Britons have performed dentistry on themselves, half in the last two years”

Phil Wolff

@J12t I'm surprised there aren't more startups in this field. High and low tech, tools and supplies, community and support.

Johannes Ernst

Very impressed by the extremely well-done speed demos we had today from @JPEGuin (Mammoth mobile app), @gabek (OwnCast), @judell (Steampipe) and @Bridgy Fed) at #Fediforum.

Well-done and thank you for taking the time!!

We recorded the demos, and will publish them on as soon as we can.

Johannes Ernst

Relaxing, after the first (half) day of #fediforum. Unconferences are strenuous in any case, you don’t ever doze off like in talking-head conferences, but if you are an organizer, as I am with @Identitywoman and @Dangerangel, it’s even more so!

Looking forward to day 2 tomorrow, we start again at 8:00 pacific with 5 more demos reflecting the broad diversity of apps (and people, and interests, and more) that is the #fediverse.

Jon Udell

@J12t @Identitywoman @Dangerangel Thanks so much to all of you for doing the heavy lifting, much appreciated, and things went really well.

Bob Wyman

@J12t @Identitywoman @Dangerangel
Day one was great. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Tim Erickson, @stpaultim

@J12t @Identitywoman @Dangerangel

Thanks to all three of the organizers and facilitators of #Fediforum today. This was the best facilitated online #unconference that I've attended, including the ones I facilitated myself.

Looking forward to Day 2.

Johannes Ernst

We had 46 people in the session on the future of #ActivityPub and related, hosted by #Fediforum and the #W3C Social Web Incubator Community Group (SWICG). I'm told that was the largest SWICG meeting in history.

And so many implementors were there and spoke up what they need! There's real momemtum.

/cc @fediforum

Sebastian Lasse

@J12t @fediforum

Could you attend the meeting?
We met in jitsi, when we tried to join zoom just 1 table in our restaurant shortly popped up, unfortunately with video, then it went off. But I wrote in the chat that people are in jitsi too.

Just btw:
Upcoming again.
The Confs (60-80 people) archive is here too

Again: It was a voting (decision) by the Group to not use zoom.
Let's please respect democracy.
Many people in Europe are for example not allowed to use zoom.

@J12t @fediforum

Could you attend the meeting?
We met in jitsi, when we tried to join zoom just 1 table in our restaurant shortly popped up, unfortunately with video, then it went off. But I wrote in the chat that people are in jitsi too.

Just btw:
Upcoming again.
The Confs (60-80 people) archive is here too


@J12t @fediforum You did a great job of promoting it on here!

Johannes Ernst

@trent is "interested in helping to solve the issues around education and awareness of the Fediverse with tutorials, video walkthroughs of apps, podcasts and more." at #fediforum

They just registered minutes ago, and although we are about to start, registrations are still open.

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