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Johannes Ernst is going to demo Mammoth, the Mastodon app at #Fediforum, and of course he wants to talk about that!

Johannes Ernst

About half dozen people in the #FediForum Meet & Greet already went off into a really deep technical discussion on #ActivityPub / #Mastodon / client / server / possible intermediate layers / composable #UI. Can't put a bunch of smart people into a room without them coming up with smart things almost immediately ...

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

@J12t since this is a commercial event I wonder if there'll be recordings of the talks later on.

Johannes Ernst

There are 8 of us in #FediForum Meet & Greet right now.

Johannes Ernst

Change of plans for tomorrow's FediForum / W3C Social Web meeting: there seems to be a lot of interest in this meeting, and we don't know how many concurrent users the volunteered Jitsi server can reliably support. So we'll move to Zoom for this meeting.

Updated details at

Johannes Ernst

So much interest, in fact, that some people joined the meeting already 24 hours early! I got there today at 10am (instead of tomorrow when it takes places) and there were four people!

Johannes Ernst

@cypherhippie wants to talk about "moderation conflict resolution, moderation economic models" at #fediforum

It's starting tomorrow! And we have a Meet & Greet in less than 2 hours!

Johannes Ernst

I don't actually know what happens to the Javascript countdown we have on after it goes to zero Wednesday morning. Should I trying to find out beforehand, or simply be amazed what kind of overflow we'll be getting?

Alex Oberhauser

@J12t I vote for wait and see what is happening once it reached zero. Makes life more interesting 😂

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@J12t Since you asked... It just disappears into oblivion. There is an else clause that wipes out the div contents when reaching 0 (I tested by editing the function directly in countdown.js from Chrome DevTools).

Johannes Ernst

We set up a #group for #FediForum. I have no idea whether anybody will use it, but here it is:


Follow it to follow along at FediForum. More reliable than hashtags.

Johannes Ernst

Just realizing the only way to record Jitsi conferences is to stream to .... YouTube! That's sort of counter-productive if you try to do open tech rather than surveillance capitalist tech!

Or are there Jitsi recording alternatives that I'm just not seeing?


#Jitsi can stream to arbitrary RTMP URLs, e.g. to #PeerTube or #Owncast
The UI does not make this clear:

Alternatively, Galène ( #Galene) is a video chat system which allows recording directly to the filesystem of the host (server).

Johannes Ernst

150th mass shooting of the year in the US today. And it’s still the first quarter of the year.

Johannes Ernst

We're hosting a Meet & Greet for #FediForum attendees tomorrow prior to the actual FediForum event. If you are registered, you should have received a calendar invite.

It's entirely optional, in case you want to hang out before the serious business of the unconference :-) or to get acquainted with QiqoChat, the service we are using to host FediForum.

There is still time to register.

Johannes Ernst

@mala: It's been a while since I saw one of those: gopher://

Gopher used to be built into browsers (their version of embrace-extend-extinguish back in the day ...:-)) but not any more. What's a good client to run?

Davide Eynard (+mala)

@J12t I use Lagrange ( on Mac, bombadillo ( from any linux terminal. But these are just my preferences, you'll probably find other hints following the #gopher hashtag 🙂 Have fun! 😉

Johannes Ernst wants to discuss "Adding enterprises and organizations to the Fediverse (what is needed to help them)" and "automating payments for supporting instance" at #FediForum

Fediverse and enterprises is a subject rarely discussed, but should be! Yet another great topic!


@J12t Would love to take my Freelanceing and Rust doing here.

Johannes Ernst

Hi @fediversereport, glad to see you're coming to #FediForum and wanting to discuss "journalism, activitypub, spreading the fediverse".

Johannes Ernst

@debs wants to discuss "Sociotechnical issues - ensuring we think about how do we create a healthier social space and empower users and masto admins to do the same Funding models" at #Fediforum this week.

For the many other subjects attendees want to discuss, go to

Johannes Ernst wants to discuss "Content moderation, search and discovery" at #Fediforum this week.

Fediforum starts in less than 48 hours!

Bob Wyman

@J12t We must ensure that "content moderation" is not censorship.

The ACLU says: "Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are 'offensive,' happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others."

But, whenever there is third-party moderation, there will be an imposition of political and moral values not shared by all those whose content is moderated.

Third-party moderation inevitably becomes censorship.

@J12t We must ensure that "content moderation" is not censorship.

The ACLU says: "Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are 'offensive,' happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others."

But, whenever there is third-party moderation, there will be an imposition of political and moral values not shared by all those whose content is moderated.

Johannes Ernst

In light of @TexasObserver 's shutdown, I keep thinking independent #journalism has a similar funding problem as the #fediverse. It's fundamentally a "commons" activity and hard to monetize directly. If you do, you get ads, and paywalls and clickbait and all of that.

Whatever the ultimate solution, perhaps both funding mechanisms turn out to be the same?

Bob Wyman

@J12t @TexasObserver Even as newspapers are shutting down, the newsletter business appears to be growing, many organizations sponsor paid-entry speaker series, YouTube videos are making advertising money, etc.

"Journalism" != "Newspapers."

It seems to me that rather than shutting down, some of these newspapers should consider reformulating themselves as centers for a broader range of profitable journalism-related activities.

@jeffjarvis @jayrosen_nyu

Johannes Ernst

Have to agree with those arguing that plug-ins for #chatgpt (an “App Store” for it) are a big deal.

Johannes Ernst -- a rather interesting project that verifies journalists in the Fediverse. There's a ton of them already! Who knew so many journalists are here!

/cc @jeff

Aswath Rao

Interesting qs: 1. Do they charge a fee? 2. Do they provide a profile page which Mastodon can verify? Kind of redirected verification :-)

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