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23 posts total
Boris Bezdar

@rf Феди, помоги!

Посоветуйте какой-нибудь годный (желательно опенсорсный) редактор изображений для андроид. Чтобы с леерами, но не слишком навороченный. Что-то типа

Если такое вообще существует.

Boris Bezdar

Я наконец-то решил прекратить писать «в стол» и сделать что-нибудь для всеобщего потребления.

Это будет коротенькая интерактивная история, сворганенная в Decker (благо, там сейчас джем проходит). Минут на 10\15 геймплея. Использую написанный как-то давным давно черновичок короткого рассказа для сюжета, а за картинками буду нырять в паблик домейн.

Надеюсь, справлюсь до конца месяца.

Это махонький и очень осторожный шажок, но тем не менее волнительный для меня и страшноватый.

Это не анонс или че-то на хайпе, а скорее что-то типа расписки, которая должна помочь мне довести дело до конца (иначе будет стыдно и вообще позорище, если брошу).

Вобщем, пожелайте мне удачи. :ageblobcat:

Я наконец-то решил прекратить писать «в стол» и сделать что-нибудь для всеобщего потребления.

Это будет коротенькая интерактивная история, сворганенная в Decker (благо, там сейчас джем проходит). Минут на 10\15 геймплея. Использую написанный как-то давным давно черновичок короткого рассказа для сюжета, а за картинками буду нырять в паблик домейн.

Boris Bezdar

2023 год.
Я только сегодня узнал о Devilution X.
Теперь я хочу только лишь убивать демонов.

Но в отпуск завтра придется лететь без ноута.

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@bezdarbor Прошел с удовольствием первую часть на эмуляторе PSX. Посмотрим, как порт себя поведет на телефоне.

Boris Bezdar

Пока что наблюдаю как многие здравомыслящие люди заслуженно поносят Тредс за чудовищно агрессивный алгоритм. Нельзя настроить ленту по хронологии, нельзя ограничить ленту лишь теми, кого фолловиш и т.д.

Продолжение философии ТикТока. Если честно, сомневаюсь, что взлетит.

Boris Bezdar

I can’t comprehend how the Russian invasion of Ukraine messed up people’s brains. I’m not talking about the war’s participants themselves, mind—it’s pretty expectable for a war to ruin everything, not only physically, for the people involved. The target of this angry rant of mine are people that had emigrated from the post-soviet countries decades ago. These are the people that I often see spewing some of the most moronic or ghoulish takes on the war.

Boris Bezdar

Now, everyone with the slightest understanding of the political situation in Russia knows that Putin’s initial casus belli of purifying Ukraine from nazis is bullcrap. But one must be completely disconnected from reality to argue that there are no nazis involved in this war. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of nazis in the post-soviet space—shitloads of them, although they’ve become somewhat silent, specifically in Russia, after the wave of internal cleansing performed a decade or so ago. This cleansing, involving mass arrests and disassembling of prominent nazi movements, wasn’t performed with righteous reasons, of course. Skinheads served a practical role in the 90s and early 00s in the Russian elites’ power struggles—these thugs were enforcers and cannon fodder in the street wars. When they’ve become more dangerous to the elites themselves, they’ve been disposed of.

Now, everyone with the slightest understanding of the political situation in Russia knows that Putin’s initial casus belli of purifying Ukraine from nazis is bullcrap. But one must be completely disconnected from reality to argue that there are no nazis involved in this war. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of nazis in the post-soviet space—shitloads of them, although they’ve become somewhat silent, specifically in Russia, after the wave of internal cleansing performed a decade or so ago. This...

Boris Bezdar

Wasting opportunities is one thing, but doing so in a destructive, immoral, and irresponsible way is another.

My thoughts on #Unrecord 's gameplay trailer.

#gaming #videogames #criticism

Boris Bezdar

If I was sitting so close to the TV while playing, my mom would unplug the TV from the electricity and me from any chance for enjoyment for the rest of the week.

Boris Bezdar

«I doubt my screenwriting teacher ever played The Banner Saga, but he would definitely like it. He always said that the best scripts don’t pity their heroes—the best drama happens when you put characters in horrible need and then make it even worse. The Banner Saga agrees with this wholeheartedly—initially grimdark setting gets darker with every new numerable next to the word Saga in the title. Get ready to feel the burdensome tiredness of keeping the last hope alive during the constant survival in harsh circumstances. It works, and it works marvelously».

#gaming #videogames #strategy

«I doubt my screenwriting teacher ever played The Banner Saga, but he would definitely like it. He always said that the best scripts don’t pity their heroes—the best drama happens when you put characters in horrible need and then make it even worse. The Banner Saga agrees with this wholeheartedly—initially grimdark setting gets darker with every new numerable next to the word Saga in the title. Get ready to feel the burdensome tiredness of keeping the last hope alive during the constant survival...

Boris Bezdar

This is the biggest proof for how much coordinated and organized anti-trans hate campaigns are.
It's huge that it's now widely accessible, but be warned—contents are utterly disgusting.

Boris Bezdar

Paradox presentation was ok and dandy—good games incoming (The Lamplighters League looks cool, Paradox Arc projects also nice), exciting add-ons for long-running franchises as expected (EU4 still gets DLCs), some imminent danger to the spare time in the works (Cities Skylines 2 and a new non-EA The Sims), etc.

But do we really need recycling of the same videogame presentation format of the last forever years? It's cringe as fuck. Even with cute European accents. Playing games is nice; playing Paradox games is even better, but come on, don't force this artificial excitement into our throats! It's not 2007; it won't earn you any extra bucks anymore.

#paradox #strategy #gaming #videogames

Paradox presentation was ok and dandy—good games incoming (The Lamplighters League looks cool, Paradox Arc projects also nice), exciting add-ons for long-running franchises as expected (EU4 still gets DLCs), some imminent danger to the spare time in the works (Cities Skylines 2 and a new non-EA The Sims), etc.

Boris Bezdar

Перевел на русский язык отличную статью Теда Чана о ИИ-чатботах и о том, нужны ли они нам вообще на данный момент.

#AI #ChatGPT

Boris Bezdar

Considering that in the last twenty years or so, we're seeing more and more conscious political statements made throughout videogames medium, I wonder whether there are genres that inherently limit games to conform to a dominant ideology.
Let's take Comolli and Narboni's assumption regarding the cinema—that film is not just a material product of the system but also an ideological one. Therefore, it is also a political one. There is a whole classification of films based on how they depict reality—whether they completely conform to the dominant ideology, oppose it, or are nuancedly placed across this spectrum.
I suppose we may almost unproblematically adopt this classification to videogames without needing to tweak it. And while within most of the genres, I can find games that can be classified differently, some genres are somewhat homogenous.

Considering that in the last twenty years or so, we're seeing more and more conscious political statements made throughout videogames medium, I wonder whether there are genres that inherently limit games to conform to a dominant ideology.
Let's take Comolli and Narboni's assumption regarding the cinema—that film is not just a material product of the system but also an ideological one. Therefore, it is also a political one. There is a whole classification of films based on how they depict reality—whether...

Boris Bezdar

For example, so-called 4X strategy games. Is there any 4X game that does not conform to the dominant ideology? I've never played a 'historical' 4X game that goes against the dominant idea of a nation-state. I've never played a 'space' 4X game that doesn't conform to the dominant idea of speciesism. Should I even mention imperialism?
I haven't played all of the 4X games ever made, and maybe missed some game that completely resolves the issue. But for now, I have a genuine question that mildly bothers me every time I think about it. Are there whole genres of my beloved medium that, no matter how developers try, their games will never be able to attack the dominant ideology and stay within the genre borders?

For example, so-called 4X strategy games. Is there any 4X game that does not conform to the dominant ideology? I've never played a 'historical' 4X game that goes against the dominant idea of a nation-state. I've never played a 'space' 4X game that doesn't conform to the dominant idea of speciesism. Should I even mention imperialism?
I haven't played all of the 4X games ever made, and maybe missed some game that completely resolves the issue. But for now, I have a genuine question that mildly bothers...

Boris Bezdar

I'm getting really tired of my best years being stolen by warmongering greedy bastards.

Boris Bezdar

Most of the Russian fantasy and sci-fi of the last couple of decades has been filled with the spirit of revanchism—onanistic stories about the futuristic Soviet Union or Tzarist Great Russia in space. And I mean mainstream popular authors, not only freaks on the fringes.

So no wonder these ghouls now celebrate imperialistic Russian bloodlust. It's not mere opportunism; they genuinely believe Russian atrocities in Ukraine are for the greater good.


@bezdarbor вот бы ссылку не исследование где считают количество НФ и перечисляют.

Не поленился ведь кто-то, и все книги пересчитал.

Boris Bezdar

Difficult? The first job at daddy's hedge fund with an annual salary of 250k is the easy mode, you fucking noob!
RT @Your_Pal_Billy
It absolutely never fails.

Boris Bezdar

RT @jonrafman
W̴̨̨̧̗̭̺̤͎̥̓̾́̒͌͐̇̄̂͜͝O̵̥̤͓͇̤͚͙̿̊͝R̵̬̅̀̈͋͛L̵̡͒D̷̨͈͈̲̤̑̄̄̿̔͐͛͝ ̶̭̺̝̯́́̋̅͊̿Ḯ̸̛͔̩̠͓͚͔̊̍͂͋̑Š̵̤͇̗͇̜͇̘͐͒́͂̉̔̐̚ ̶͉͗͒̽͊͊̍̎̏͂A̷̡̛̻͙̼̗̪̮̖̥̰̒̀̑́̍̎̈͘ ̴̫̹̂̈̂͑̉F̵̡̛͉̪͓̖̰̙̙̳͚̋̃̇͗͐̽̽̃͒U̶̮͗̾̌̕͠͝C̵̹̝̣͎̪͋Ķ̸̡̧͖̖̳͈̲͚̥̔̈́̐̅̾͝

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