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2 posts total

Visible mending: Someone on my street put out a pair of jeans with a hole in the butt. I picked them up thinking I might be able to repurpose the denim. But they fit me perfectly. So I gave visible mending a try.

The patch is loosely based on sashiko embroidery. Except I wanted colours. And I realize now I didn't do the edges right.

But I'm happy with the result.

My husband says I need to wear out the jeans in more places, so I can expand on it.

#VisibleMending #Embroidery #Sashiko


Part 2: I kept going!

I extended the embroidery out across the borders of the patch and diagonally up across one pocket.

The pocket was a bit tricky, as I had to half remove the pocket from the pants, do the embroidery, then stitch the pocket back on.


@GrimmReality There's a corollary to this: if you're camping in cold weather and have to pee, it's always better to get up and do it. A full bladder requires energy to keep at body temperature, so it robs the rest of your body from needed heat. At least, that's what I was told on a winter camping trip once, and I've stuck to it.

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