Milli takes an anti-nail-trimming stance. Luckily the rest are relatively non-lethal in pokey-ness.
Milli takes an anti-nail-trimming stance. Luckily the rest are relatively non-lethal in pokey-ness. Milli sitting in the north window, looking at something as usual. She made her way to the corner of the patio window and started making noises, so I peeked. A cat sitting by the table. Didn’t realize until I checked the camera trap: it was not the neighbor’s tuxedo cat. I’m guessing not #TuxedoNinja or there’d have been more drama. Whoever this new cat is, it jumped up onto the table to check out the catnip plant and probably got wet in the dish for the pitcher plants. There is way too much sun today. Milli has retired to a north-facing window sill. I’d like to say it’s because she’s smart, but it’s actually because the neighbor’s cat has been hanging out in the shade over there. Maybe it’s a two-fer. I find Milli here every morning, sleeping all cuddly under the chair next to her box of toys. Which means she’ll change it up next week, just in time for her vet appointment. Milli auditioning again for Michael Bay’s next movie about a plucky kitten and her roll of paper towels. “MOAR LENS FLAIRS LADY” Milli came running in with a panicked look on her face. Hopefully nothing extreme going on in the yard in this wind. Had a couple power blinks earlier but holding so far. She’s claimed 70% of the mousepad for Catsylvania. Classic. I sneezed and she froze. Milli is still sitting there like this, so angry, booty cleaning entirely forgotten. My job here is done. Milli and I are on the couch with the new quilt. My guts are acting up and her toes require attention. |