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27 posts total
Michał Górny :gentoo:

This whole / situation is getting absurd.

I don't have sympathy for or . However, I can understand that they had good reasons to fork OpenSSL, and that switching back today would be hard.

I can understand projects refusing to officially declare support and rejecting workarounds. But pushing LibreSSL hate to the point of blocking implementations that don't link to OpenSSL is just horrible. Users get in the crossfire, again.

This whole / situation is getting absurd.

I don't have sympathy for or . However, I can understand that they had good reasons to fork OpenSSL, and that switching back today would be hard.

I can understand projects refusing to officially declare support and rejecting workarounds. But pushing LibreSSL hate to the point of blocking implementations that don't link to OpenSSL is just horrible. Users get in the crossfire, again.

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@mgorny :moneybag: You can get paid to complete this issue! Please read the docs for more information.


@mgorny didn't openssl change their license in a way to prevent collaboration (to hurt) libressl?


@mgorny It's almost as if we collectively starting to elevate "works on my machine" into an actual design principle, don't you think so? :blobcatpeekaboo:

Michał Górny :gentoo:

Remember the times when people told the *current* outdoors temperature by actually looking at a thermometer rather than random weather *forecast* from their smartphone?

As a compromise, I'd settle for people reading the current temperature from the heating controller (it's got outdoors sensor).


@mgorny what about people that get local temperature by decoding aprs packets from nearest airport's weather station?..

David Zaslavsky

@mgorny I laugh but I am totally guilty of that

Michał Górny :gentoo:

switched to 3.11 today!

We also removed support for building packages for Python 3.9 (the interpreter will remain available for as long as it's feasible to maintain it).

Thanks to everyone involved in this huge effort!


@mgorny will follow soon after the 23.05 branch-off. See you on the other side!


@mgorny mmh I have to say this, there is _way_ to much that is not keyworded yet...

Michał Górny :gentoo:

We were considering removing SHA512 hashes from Manifests in favor of using BLAKE2b alone (instead of both). The change was rejected because of "insufficient community support." That said, it's hard to gauge support from ml threads -- opponents generally tend to speak up, while proponents do not.

Do you think we should remove SHA512?

Anonymous poll


Yes, from all entries (one big update)
Yes, from new entries (progressive)
No, keep using two hashes
No, remove BLAKE2b instead (unpopular opinion)
14 people voted.
Voting ended 4 May 2023 at 6:44.

Do you know the reasoning behind changing and not changing? Advantages and disadvantages and such

Holger Hoffstätte

@mgorny What @aninternettroll said - I never really understood why we have multiple algos at the same time to begin with.

Michał Górny :gentoo:

The short history of wrong information on the Internet.

The First Era: wrong information is mostly spread by people who believe in it and want to enlighten others.

The Second Era: wrong information is aggregated by SEO experts who focus on driving as much traffic as possible without caring about the quality of information.

The Third Era: LLMs are used to produce completely wrong but conceivable information on industrial scale.

Michał Górny :gentoo:

Can a large project like survive long-term purely on volunteer effort?

The biggest problem is that volunteers would like to do what they enjoy. However, there are also things that *need to be done* that nobody happens to enjoy at the time, and so far we've been relying on someone making a sacrifice to do them.

That doesn't seem sustainable long-term. Just imagine that one day Gentoo may run out of people doing necessary Infra work.

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