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The big news here isn't the headline, it's what's buried in the article itself - an article that links and clings to non #Fediverse, deprecated silo resources like Twitter to pad the results of cooperative studies between these two universities.

Of particular note is an apparent broken promise to #open_source the technology on one hand, and the infinite power that #FOSS can play when millions of eyes are on the prize with cooperative development.

#tallship #AI



The big news here isn't the headline, it's what's buried in the article itself - an article that links and clings to non #Fediverse, deprecated silo resources like Twitter to pad the results of cooperative studies between these two universities.

Of particular note is an apparent broken promise to #open_source the technology on one hand, and the infinite power that #FOSS can play when millions of eyes are on the prize with cooperative development.


"Alice in Wonderland" - excerpts from the 1915 film.

Freaky Deaky, imaginative, and every bit as interesting as the moonshot in the Jules Verne movie that was it's contemporary.

#tallship #historic #silent_film #cinematography #Cheezburgerz! πŸ”




I'm a few days late posting this. Certain projects and utilities I try to showcase as soon as they come out of the oven, but lately I've been tending to other, more pressing matters since my move back to #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia - like chillin' at the #beach, #spearfishing, and of course, bangin' it out with girlfriends I haven't been able to hangout with for over six years.

Life is awesome - and so is #VaultWarden!

#tallship #FOSS #security



I'm a few days late posting this. Certain projects and utilities I try to showcase as soon as they come out of the oven, but lately I've been tending to other, more pressing matters since my move back to #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia - like chillin' at the #beach, #spearfishing, and of course, bangin' it out with girlfriends I haven't been able to hangout with for over six years.


@tallship not Slackware since they switched to RPM. first corporate sellouts to Novell long before Red Hat sold itself to IBM

Filip Chabik πŸ‘»

@tallship Oh man, this brought me way back. Two of my colleagues in the beginning of 2000s recommended me #Slackware as the best distribution to kick-start my #Linux journey. Initially I was sure they were trolling me as it took me good 3 months to get to the point I was able to launch X, but I’ll remain forever grateful as I learned so much because of it… To this day my muscle memory defaults to checking out man pages instead of Googling things πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜„


Ce n'est pas toi, c'est moi. Je ne veux plus te baiser.
Je t'aime encore et je veux garder ta main.

#tallship #love #sex #time #sadness #devotion




Here's a really good resource, much much more than an AV-98 fork.

h/t to @indieterminacy for digging up this little gem! (did you catch that little pun?)

#tallship #FOSS #Gopher #Gemini #Finger




@tallship I hadnt originally, but I shall solder on until I get it.

Im out today for kids and partners 1st concert in 5 years.

Chuck the link in this fine room:

Not sure why I hadnt, silly me.


I woke up Monday and while lying on my bed during my waking moments, looked up through my bedroom window to see this.

Odd, that it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't seen a 🌴 palm tree in six years.

I'm finally back home in #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia πŸŒ„

This pic, I took just a few minutes ago on the balcony. To the west is Catalina Island, outside my other bedroom window.

Let the summer begin!

#tallship #Los_Angeles #Palm_trees #SoCal




Rest in peace Tina...

You were the source of so much of the inspiration that touched, guided, and shaped my artistry.

You will be loved and missed very much by millions, forever, not the least of which being me.

#tallship #music #Tina #tiny_dancer #inspiration




For my brother OMAC Kara Batunia...

Thud Kara Bah Nimana!


It's Freaky Friday everyone! I hope you're all looking forward to this evening's lineup on aNONradio πŸ•&🍻's

In the meantime, here's a blast from the past. As t-shirt and ceramic coffee cup junkie I used to require all outside sales reps to send me one or the other before I would take their calls and listen to their pitches.

Here's one example, out of my closet - from the Clinton era. Big-Tech before they had the sense to have domains & websites lolz.

#tallship #SyncSort #Backup_Express




San Francisco, California. Shithole in the extreme.

One could look at it as either a demilitarized no go zone, or that of a target rich environment -both equally apropos.

I believe last week, no less than two tv news crews had their stuff/vehicles stolen, an Walmarts & Walgreens have already abandoned that warzone.

Yeah, it's a #shithole. And last night, this:

So very, very sad.

Get out while you can, before it's too late.

#tallship #Frisco #murder #anarchy



San Francisco, California. Shithole in the extreme.

One could look at it as either a demilitarized no go zone, or that of a target rich environment -both equally apropos.

I believe last week, no less than two tv news crews had their stuff/vehicles stolen, an Walmarts & Walgreens have already abandoned that warzone.


Do you recall the recent socalled "unconference", FediForum?

Charging money (not necessarily a bad thing) for an event that required #FOSSies to install some kind of proprietory skin over #Zoom to attend, instead of #dogfooding with #BBB/Greenlight or alike - not a good look.

Same folks:

One noted only as a #CryptoBruh, the others not #OG #fedizens either, now playing capture the flag with #eee?

WTF, Chuck?

Your thoughts?




Do you recall the recent socalled "unconference", FediForum?

Charging money (not necessarily a bad thing) for an event that required #FOSSies to install some kind of proprietory skin over #Zoom to attend, instead of #dogfooding with #BBB/Greenlight or alike - not a good look.



Hello there, @fediforum πŸ˜‰

You recently had a bit of exposure with the recent unconference, #Fediforum. That was, by some attendees' recollections, less than noteworthy - there's was some serious confusion with some who were slotted to be presenters, and a boatload (pundit there - I'm @tallship, naturally πŸ˜‰) of good folks, #fedizens all, who posted disparaging perceptions as to why people such as yourselves (self described "OG's") would even consider requiring people to download and install a #deprecated, Privacy Disrespecting and proprietary skin for the no less disrespecting #Zoom platform, instead of a more capable, and featureful #FOSS product such as BBB/Greenlight (or something akin to that).

Most of us just can't seem to get our heads around the fact that self-titled OGs could be #OG in the Fediverse and world of #FOSS and actually not know seemingly anything at all about Big Blue Button, the relevance of Dogfooding and using FOSS whenever possible (practical, at least, which it was) in #Fediverse related activities.

From what everyone that I've spoken to about this (you guys are indeed a hot topic lately, lolz), and there's been a lot coming my way and asking about you; it seems that your understanding, standing, and indeed tenure here in the Fediverse, #ActivityPub, and #ActivityStreams related arena is sophomoric at best, with the exception of one of you - and one of you are roundly described as a CryptoBruh in general conversation.

Those questions may indeed be only rhetorical, as dozens of prominent #fedizens and Fediverse developers alike are asking amongst themselves: "Just who are these pretenders breaking into the scene with potentially disruptive, divisive proposals?

Please, feel free to shoot me or flame me - I am, after all, just the messenger. Your presence has a lot of people asking questions about what your underlying motivation actually is.

But the question remains, and not only that, but more importantly, who are you really? Meaning, ulterior motives or special interest monetary funding is generally suspected by netizens rightfully asking the questions as to why three hitherto and mostly unassociated personalities are so interested in what might be perceived as standard clandestine EEE playbook procedure.

I mean, to put it plainly, explaining it like someone is a sixth grader, it really is easy to consider that you've just sprang into the stage and are advocating for a fork when you kinda at the same time seem oblivious to #Social_Coding, #FEP, and not the least of which, #SociallHub.

Could you please be entreated to describe for the rest of us here in the wider public spaces in the Fediverse what your hopes, dreams, and aspirations are with the respect to the following?

And more importantly... Your true motivations for carrying out your campaigns there in #swicg?

- Are you funded by third parties, paid to bring this agenda forward?
- Is there something you find lacking in the organic growth and critical mass that the Fediverse is achieving on its own, independent of influences from the deprecated, proprietary and Privacy Disrespecting monolithic silo sector?
- What associations have you, with any (if any), other initiatives such as Bluesky PBLLC, Meta, Automatic, Alphabet, and/any other so-called "Big Tech" or governmental interests?

Hard questions, I know, but understanding the actual motivations you have for undertaking the approaches you are proposing - including that of "bestowing certifications" which thrusts enmity between emerging and existing Fediverse development projects that are antithetical to not only the stated "lack of merchantability" clauses in almost all FOSS licenses, but also the spirit of #DeSoc and a free and federated infra that plies one platform against another...

Well that just don't seem benign.

Here's what you actually said:

>A branding program for products that have passed the test suite ... As an implementor, you get to put the sticker on your product. ... In particular, in the places in the product where users β€œconnect” to other servers in the Fediverse, like β€œVisa” is displayed at the POS terminal ... I believe this will become critical if/when larger orgs with potentially different value systems connect to the Fediverse

I can't, no matter how hard I try, see that as anything but absolutely diabolical.

In the words of another very prominent Fediverse project lead in a public post:

>Ah, that explains it. They want an enforcement mechanism. Once ActivityPub FediForum Edition is legitimized by becoming a W3C standard, those who demonstrate loyalty to "larger orgs" will receive a certificate. Those who refuse, will be declared unworthy and banished from the network. That's what this really is about.

Is this in fact what the three of you are advocating?

People are, respectfully, awaiting your responses here, in the wider public Fediverse forum. Very, very many people.

I look forward to your timely responses πŸ™‚

Kindest regards,





Hello there, @fediforum πŸ˜‰

You recently had a bit of exposure with the recent unconference, #Fediforum. That was, by some attendees' recollections, less than noteworthy - there's was some serious confusion with some who were slotted to be presenters, and a boatload (pundit there - I'm @tallship, naturally πŸ˜‰) of good folks, #fedizens all, who posted disparaging perceptions as to why people such...


There's a few videographers whose published works I tend to keep somewhat abreast of.

Rob Braxman is one, Brodie Robertson another, and this kewl little intro to I2P from @RTP is a brief, enjoyable and easy to digest tour of the #I2P namespace and network with simple onboarding for n00bs too.

Oh... There's a common denominator amongst these three video producers...

They're all on #LBRY, or #Odyssee, of you prefer - same difference 😎

#tallship #privacy #FOSS



There's a few videographers whose published works I tend to keep somewhat abreast of.

Rob Braxman is one, Brodie Robertson another, and this kewl little intro to I2P from @RTP is a brief, enjoyable and easy to digest tour of the #I2P namespace and network with simple onboarding for n00bs too.


The original #Jabber server at the center of the #XMPP Universe, is now back online following a weekend of hardware and and software upgrades -it's now powered by #Prosody, and many more extensions will be added incrementally in the future. was the world's first public XMPP service and it's truly great to see this new development take place, ensuring continued support for those of us who've been using it for over 30 years.

Follow @jabberdotorg for news




Thank you Matt πŸ‘‹πŸ™‚πŸ‘

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