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Aleksei � Matiushkin

Хуже красного борща
только жопа в два прыща.

Это был нож в псину

1. перевод на какой язык мне предлагает мастодон?
2. справится ли переводческий движок с таким материалом?

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Having a choice between different opinions, platforms, and everything is a democracy.

Telling everyone about the choice you made is propaganda.

That’s simple.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Today I was one inch from rating anything online for the first time in my life. Goddamn security through obscurity and user penetration.

My mobile app for car charging _asked me to change the password_ right when I was to start changing. Imagine a garage, with very poor internet, I am hanging up with a damn cable in one hand and my belongings in the other—and voilà—change your password now, I am not going to scan the QR code otherwise.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

As a person who provided hundreds of pull requests to many different repositories in many different languages, I don’t understand what “bus factor” is supposed to mean.

There is a code, why would you need anything to understand it? Huh?

Aleksei � Matiushkin

FWIW, I am subscribed to several people (bots?) who post “art” made by “AI.” I scroll through dozens of generated pics daily.

There was not one yet I wanted to print and put on my wall.


Tomorrow I’ll drive my friends to David Vela’s exhibition in Zaragoza to acquaint them with the most heartwarming artist of our times. Carrying Gogol’s Petersburg Novels (Петербургские повести, Novelas breves peterburguesas) with many illustrations by Russian artists with me as a present, fwiw.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Code Coverage might be indeed a usable metric. Check this “17.1 hits per line” value. The actual efficiency of the code is literally the density of its usage.

49 lines with 17.1 hits per line are a dense implementation of what 838 LoCs could do in a worse code.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

List of my libraries updated to `Elixir v1.16`

- camarero
- cloister
- enfiladex
- envio
- estructura
- finitomata (v0.15, left: see issues)
- formulae (v0.13, left: `:none` imports as default)
- kungfuig
- lazy_for
- md (v0.10, left: understanding we don’t need anything else)
- nimble_options_ex (v0.1, left: =››=)
- telemetria (v0.15, left: =››=)
- tempus (v0.10, left: decide if we need “open/close” intervals)
- tempus_sql (v0.10, as per ⇑)
- vela

Aleksei � Matiushkin

The ad of the new Google instant messenger. Welcome HangSelf!

Aleksei � Matiushkin

There is a lovely, lived story behind every great painting.

There is a clumsy, edited prompt behind every AI odd job.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

TIL: docker is unable to update itself as an apt package with my nightly cronjob.

Funcking unbelievable. I have never seen worse software (even Electron, Flatpak, and Snap are way better.)

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Most developers struggle to determine whether one needs a test for the newly introduced code.

The answer is on the surface: if it makes it easier to write robust code, the test is likely needed. Don’t waste your time otherwise.

Your language of choice and the framework you leverage to build your project do not require you to test them.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

102% of discussions on social media look like the following arguing about the color of snooker balls.

▸ 68% stand for balls are red;
▸ 27% vote balls are varicolored;
▸ 4% claim balls are colorless;
▸ 3% are sure balls are colorful.

And yes, it does not amount to 100%.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Назрел вопрос: вот есть копирайтеры, так? Почему в сети все достойные тексты — написаны людьми иных профессий? Как так получилось, что словарный запас каждого пятого программиста — примерно втрое богаче? Что мешает им заниматься проверкой фактов так же тщательно, как, например, мне? А?

С чего бы человеку, умеющему самостоятельно составлять сложные тексты и обладающему большим словарным запасом, заниматься работой, подразумевающей коверканье чужих текстов? Ящитаю, ситуация более чем закономерна. :)
Aleksei � Matiushkin

Effective tomorrow, I modify the license for all my OSS projects to explicitly prohibit the usage for training AI and/or for producing AI-related products.

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