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37 posts total

Yes source based distro's have been around since the very beginning - in fact, MCC Interim Linux and #SLS weren't far from that mark, except that they merely tried to make it a bit more convenient by packaging up tarballs to be exploded during installation. And there's always #LFS.

If you think about Slackpkg - and you consider that you can actually re-install the entire system by compiling every single component of the default (full) install with the evocation of a single command, followed by the customization of your entire system by installing every kind of software imaginable through the use of #sbopkg or some other automated, dependency resolving package manager that uses #SlackBuilds (which are downloaded, then exectuted, and subsequently download the latest release of he software package desired, which is in turn compiled, packaged, and exploded) - you actually have a fully source based distro installed on your box.

That's right - Slackware is (can be forced to be) an entirely source based distro installed on your device.

And choosing to convert from a point release to Slackware -current switches you from a point release to a #Rolling_Release distro.

*Debian Testing, aka at this time, Trixie is a rolling release. #Arch_Linux is a rolling release, SourceMage and Lunar Linux are source based distros based on #Sorcerer_Linux, the original fully source based Linux distro released when Linux was only about 8yrs old in 2000, and the #Gentoo or #Funtoo source based Linux distros.

SystemD my ass. That has nothing to do with nothing in that conversation - it's completely non-sequitur and truth be told, most source based distros (Arch, Gentoo) support the type of init system that *YOU CHOOSE. For Debiantards such as myself, well..... There's #Devuan - and that's very refreshing to actually have control over your system again with true init scripts. But I rarely use Devuan, even though I've been associated with the initiative since its inception, after leaving the #Mageia team several years ago.

As I state in almost all of my profiles, I'm a Slacker, since 1993 (Slackware Linux), and I'm also a bit of a #Debiantard. On the BSD side, after leaving #Jolix (386BSD) for Slackware, I've pretty much settled on either #OpenBSD or #Dragonfly_BSD, w/the awesome #HAMMER2 FS. I still have a lot of love for #FreeBSD and of course #NetBSD - where I spend a lot of time in my proper #Korn Shell....

But what the heck does any of this have to do with a comparison of using Gentoo Linux being akin to using SystemD?

I don't like SystemD - but if you're a realist, that doesn't mean you forgo using distros that only have that init tooling. You just roll with the punches and keep following the innovations that support you - NO ONE STILL RUNS WINDOWS XP in production - at least, no one outside of state mental hospitals, that's just insane to do in a forward facing business environment.

But a lot of companies do leverage OpenRC, SysVinit, etc., instead of SystemD - that's not going away, and SystemD itself and Poetering have their own up and coming challengers.

SystemD is (supposed to be, originally) a way to boot your box. Yes, it's indeed encroached upon other landscapes since, but not all of those constructs are even considered by many mainstream distros - it's not a fact of life. Other init systems thrive in the UNIX world to this day and will continue to do so.

Likewise, Source based Linux distros are just one among many distros that exist, and may or may not leverage SystemD as their init systems - to really get a good grasp of this, I recommend doing a few Arch Linux installs - with and without SystemD as the base init system. Heck, even Debian still supports your regular, good old #syslog, and at every turn during your updates, reminds you how to keep it enabled since the whole journalctl crap just isn't as elegant, IMO.

Personally, I think more concurrent options are usually better - space is cheap. Storage no longer costs a dollar a meg. or worse, like it was when I was a kid, a few thousand dollars a meg. That's right... MegaByte - Not TB for penny's!

Okay so now I'm waiting to hear back from the OP and see just what the heck they meant when I got triggered. In the meantime....

Enjoy installing and using #Sorcerer_Linux, or the subesquent forks of it's surviving lineage like #SourceMage and #Lunar_Linux - you're now a part of mainstream source-basedLinux History once you do 🤘 💀 🤘

#tallship #Linux #FOSS #distros #Sorcerer





Yes source based distro's have been around since the very beginning - in fact, MCC Interim Linux and #SLS weren't far from that mark, except that they merely tried to make it a bit more convenient by packaging up tarballs to be exploded during installation. And there's always #LFS.

If you think about Slackpkg - and you consider that you can actually re-install the entire system by compiling every single component of the default (full) install with the evocation of a single command, followed by the...


Big skillet = a couple of eggs frying along with a couple of slabs of bacon.

Small skillet = prolly two or three russet potatoes frying w/garlic, onjions (sic), and pepper - after breakfast (whatever time I decided to make it, obviously noonish or early afternoon judging by the sunlight/shadowing) those potatoes will serve as a cold snack or a side dish w/supper after a quick reheat.

The Kettle has boiling water, and I often would move it to the wood-fired heating furnace to keep hot, using it to make tea at various points of the day and night. The Stanley cooker doesn't stay hot for long. It's firebox is small, and consumes a lot of wood. You can see at the left rear that I have a heat exchangers with hot water pipes, but all it does is produce small amounts of tepid water, and not even that when it's cold outside.

This must have been a warm day, because I have the one of those kitchen doors open off the side of the cabin. Those are the same doors I met a big black bear through. That's another story, with a video, but suffice it to say that by the time I realized that bears don't know what windows are, and it was only two steps away from being able to rip my face off, I continued getting more and more frightened after it casually lumbered off and it finally dawned on my how much peril I was actually in... and became more frightened, and more frightened, and then I strapped my 1911-A1 to my chest and didn't even sleep without it or take it off for a couple of weeks. Dead bears are better than Dead Bradley's, and I suppose I could eat that fucker if it could eat me (although I've heard various stories as to whether they taste good or not).

Oh, back to the hot water heat exchanger - I installed a propane fueled on-demand water heater that fed the shower.... If you're going to have only one amenity that is a guilty pleasure of convenience... let it be hot fricking water. You can thank me later for that wisdom :)

#tallship #black_bear #valentines_day #stanley_stove #hot_water #winter #off-grid #iron_skillets





Big skillet = a couple of eggs frying along with a couple of slabs of bacon.

Small skillet = prolly two or three russet potatoes frying w/garlic, onjions (sic), and pepper - after breakfast (whatever time I decided to make it, obviously noonish or early afternoon judging by the sunlight/shadowing) those potatoes will serve as a cold snack or a side dish w/supper after a quick reheat.


Reprinted from the Fediverse-City Matrix room, with permission from the author (myself):

I was just participating in another discussion elsewhere on the connotations and perceptions relating to a global feed of the entire known Fediverse, as it pertains to what various platforms call it (in their selector tabs).

Lots of suggestions, and every platform uses a different nomenclature. Some use 'global', some use 'live', and there's a few others as well that try to convey that type of extremely busy feed.

But then I touched on the subject of Local feeds - not all Fediverse platforms utilize this type of concatenated feed. I related that the Hometown fork of mastopub was [at least one of] the first to incorporate this as both a feed, and a type of post that is localized to only that particular instance.

I also, because I've read his contention, included the Dev's reasoning on having such a utility as a feature - because he intended Hometown to be a Fediverse platform that could encourage a Highly localized "community".

So you can select the other various, common types of scope for a post when making a post, as well as posting something that is only viewable to other users on your local instance - thereby supporting the 'local community only' aspect that has eluded and mostly deluded users on other platforms.

Why "deluded", because having a Fediverse account in the minds of most folks coming from the deprecated, monolithic silo space is something that has been heavily promoted by Fedizens as one of the reasons why it's better to use the Fediverse instead of those impersonal deprecated silo systems.

And that's simply not true.

Take me, for example. I have several accounts and interact using them with different circles of people (I won't get into the power of recursive circles as they were implemented in gplus). So I'mma just use, one of the biggest monolithic-like silo instances in the Fediverse, as an example here.

People there, most often n00bs from the November Rain or later) talk about the sense of "community" they have there, when they're really only speaking of the connections they have by following and being followed by not just people on that instance, but across the entire Fediverse.

The sense of community that almost everyone in the Fediverse perceives is mostly a compilation of the follows and followers that they each have, and is unique to themselves alone.

For example, I prolly know 4 or 5 people on each instance I have an account on. My community is comprised almost entirely of the direct connections I have made with others across the Fediverse at large, and yes, people on platforms with 'local-only' feeds to see my posts, know them to be local, but so do folks on other instances watching their 'global feeds' (or home feeds where someone they follow includes a follow of my account).

So to me, in my experience, my community is comprised of those who I've made connections with and the people they are connected to, with very little traffic from the local instance I am on at any given time.

To think that you're going to have a community on consisting of people primarily from that instance is a bit naive, IMO, coz your default feed grows exponentially with foreign user's posts the more you connect with anyone - not just the people you follow that are local to your instance. You see something, you interact because it's interesting, pertinent, or relevant to you - you don't do that because you've discerned that you will only interact with local accounts... that just ain't natural, human tendency.

So the creator of the Hometown fork realized that one type of vehicle in the feature set to mark this kind of delineation was that of the ability to post and see in your feed, local only posts, with the overt assertion that Hometown is a fork that in part, is a platform that can facilitate the social diaspora consisting of a 'mostly local' community.

Even entire instances, named or stated as localized geographically or topically, as having publicly open registrations miss this mark in a big way - people for whatever reason, want a Fediverse account, pick a host/instance, by whatever criteria, and then inadvertently end up creating their own diaspora of social connections across the entire Fediverse anyway.

nostr, Bluesky (when it eventually fully supports other instances), Threads (yeah, I know, it's a bastard, lolz), Minds, and other, bigger instances or monoliths, don't try to capitalize on this notion of "Your instance is your community" because overwhelmingly, it just isn't the case in reality.

I'm not saying that there aren't Fediverse instances are successful in cultivating small communities consisting of connections with others on those particular instances, but the most successful of those are the instances that have actually disabled Federation on those instances, lolz.... There's lots of examples of that, which is kewl - to each their own.

But the tendency of everyone to follow the Ew! Shiny! paradigm of simply liking and following what you like irrespective of whether it's on your local instance or not is the lions share of how people interact with each other.

Your thoughts, observations?

Attached graphic attrib: A Jack Russell, happy as can be, sitting in the pilot's seat flying a Cessna, not knowing WTF he's doing.... but he's really happy! The caption reads: "I have no idea what I'm doing".

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #social_networks #community #local_communities #global_communities #connections #follows #followers



Reprinted from the Fediverse-City Matrix room, with permission from the author (myself):

I was just participating in another discussion elsewhere on the connotations and perceptions relating to a global feed of the entire known Fediverse, as it pertains to what various platforms call it (in their selector tabs).

tallship @jgoerzen

John, I thought of you when I first saw this little doggy - not the caption, but the puppy is just so happy in the pilots seat, in a sort of, "Look Ma, No hands! w00t!", way.

Get it? 'No hands'? kinda gives one "Paws", lolz.

Kindest regards,




I don't think I've ever actually seen a medical examiner use the words Pulverized and Liver in the same sentence when referring to a murder victim, let alone a toddler.

I don't find anything particularly cruel, or unusual, about making human excrement live in a 3' x 3' x 3' box... forever.

#tallship #heinous #parole


About twenty five years ago, we laid out the keels for a new adventure - The Twin Brigantine project, in the parking lot of the #Los_Angeles_Maritime_Institute, next to the #Los_Angeles_Maritime_Museum, in the old ferry building that was, along with a pontoon bridge, obviated by completion of the #Vincent_Thomas_Bridge connecting the mainland to #Terminal_Island.

Up until that time, #LAMI operated and sailed the 70' gaff-rigged topsail schooner, Swift of Ipswitch (previously James Cagney's personal yacht) for it's youth sailing program. It took a few years to complete the Irving and Exy Johnson, sister Brigantine vessels built and outfitted by dozens of volunteers over the duration of the program. At some point, another gaff-rigged schooner was borrowed and enlisted, the136' Bill of Rights filling the need for accommodations of a youth sailing program that had greatly expanded over time, with many ups and downs, achievements and disappointments, but building two square rigger tall ships for and by a non-profit organization dedicated to youth educational programs for the community, a truly novel pursuit, eventually came to a close as a great success.

This photo shows the 113' brigantine Irving Johnson, on 23 March 2005, and which, after less than three years of service, she had run hard aground on a sandbar following several storms that affected local charts, leaving them partially obsolete - in short, on her way into the Channel Islands harbor, well... sadly, the pic speaks for itself.

Another year and two million dollars later to repair structural damages and flooding, the #Irving_Johnson once again joined her sister ship, #Exy_Johnson, in the pursuit of education as #school_ships, something that Irving and his wife Exy (Electa), following no less than 7 circumnavigations together, pioneered and championed in the 20th century aboard their three successive sailing ships - a #schooner, a #brigantine, and a #ketch - each named the #Yankee.

#tallship #youth_sailing #education


This image or file is a work of a United States Coast Guard service personnel or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain (17 U.S.C. § 101 and § 105, USCG main privacy policy)

About twenty five years ago, we laid out the keels for a new adventure - The Twin Brigantine project, in the parking lot of the #Los_Angeles_Maritime_Institute, next to the #Los_Angeles_Maritime_Museum, in the old ferry building that was, along with a pontoon bridge, obviated by completion of the #Vincent_Thomas_Bridge connecting the mainland to #Terminal_Island.

For more info on Irving and Exy, their circumnavigations of the globe, and love of life together living aboard and blue water cruising, There's this National Geographic, as well as a several books that together and separately have published about their lives at sea.

I saw this movie a long, long, time ago - one time.

Frankenstein - The True Story, with #James_Mason, #Jane_Seymour (long before she was "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", lolz), #Michael_Sarrazin (as the creature), #David_McCallum, #Nicola_Pagett, #Agnes_Moorehead, and #Leonard_Whiting as the titular character. An all-star cast.

I've always intended on seeing it again, because IMO it's the best rendition of #Mary_Shelley's 1818 classic I've had the pleasure of seeing. The character development alone leaves all of the other adaptations in the dust, along with a large dose of empathy for those involved.

As a companion, I recommend the #Project_Gutenberg version of Shelley's gothic novel in prose; I personally prefer .epub but both the film and the original work by Shelley are more closely aligned than any of those old #Boris_Karloff horror genre flicks that, in turn, influenced the creation of the beloved television character, #Herman_Munster (an old film professor of mine would freak out in the lecture hall anytime someone raised their hand and referred to any motion picture as a flick, lolz).

In a major departure from Shelley's original, Mason's portrayal of the character Dr. Polidori isn't actually in the book - the real John Polidori was a friend of Shelley's who himself arguably launched the #vampire_genre with his 1819 short story, "The Vampyre", once erroneously attributed to Lord Byron. Discussions between Polidori and Mary's husband Percy Shelley are largely credited with the genesis of the Frankenstein story.

If you happen to watch, Frankenstein - The True Story, do please comment back to let me know what you thought :)

My favorite line from the movie, that I've often regularly recited over the years, is:

Beautiful Victor... Beautiful.

On rare occasion, I'm sometimes asked what I'm referencing when I say that, like, after a successful compile, or fresh OS installation :p

#tallship #English_literature #literature #science_fiction #horror_genre @youronlyone


I saw this movie a long, long, time ago - one time.

Frankenstein - The True Story, with #James_Mason, #Jane_Seymour (long before she was "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman", lolz), #Michael_Sarrazin (as the creature), #David_McCallum, #Nicola_Pagett, #Agnes_Moorehead, and #Leonard_Whiting as the titular character. An all-star cast.


"I knowed his ma. They was good folks. He was full a hell, sure, like a good boy oughta be…He done a bad thing an’ they hurt ‘im, caught ‘im an’ hurt him so he was mad, an’ the nex’ bad thing he done was mad, an’ they hurt ‘im again. An’ purty soon he was mean-mad."

- J.S., who really just wanted to be a fucking marine biologist, as evidenced in his conributions to Between the Pacific Tides, by his friend Ed Ricketts, yet much to his chagrin was relegated to authorship in depression era grit fiction, notable for his brutally honest naturalism, social commentary on extreme hardship, heartache, and subsequently immortalized in pen and celluloid.

Now you fucking know, bitches.

#tallship #lit #history #memoriam and #heroes, both celebrated and vilified; yet still one of my all time great inspirations as an artist. But just who was it he invoked that was so injuriously transfigured?

Can you haz #Cheezburgerz? 🍔 Can you? I doubt it. lemme know :p

photo credit: Hanna Shandra - - My confidence in your inability to grasp this is epic. Prove me wrong.


"I knowed his ma. They was good folks. He was full a hell, sure, like a good boy oughta be…He done a bad thing an’ they hurt ‘im, caught ‘im an’ hurt him so he was mad, an’ the nex’ bad thing he done was mad, an’ they hurt ‘im again. An’ purty soon he was mean-mad."

- J.S., who really just wanted to be a fucking marine biologist, as evidenced in his conributions to Between the Pacific Tides, by his friend Ed Ricketts, yet much to his chagrin was relegated to authorship in depression era grit fiction,...


Bit of a... Well this just kinda bugs me.

No, it really bothers me. And it's so clandestine and leaves me with the distinct impression there is obfuscation delivered as authoritatively masquerading misinformation.

So I swapped out the first word of each sentence to clarify what those fuckers are actually saying, while pretending to say it isn't that way. Fuckin' bitches.

The first word in each sentence used to be "Allow" and "Offer", respectively.

Now a more accurate, straight forward, and honest edit follows:

- Compel web servers to evaluate the authenticity of the device and honest representation of the software stack and the traffic from the device.
- Enforce an adversarially robust and long-term sustainable anti-abuse solution.

I encourage prettier to give this this a quick read - it isn't difficult to comprehend what's really being said here and what the grand design is.

I'll comment further on this discussion as to how I perceived this upon initially being alerted to it by @ariadne over at but suffice it to say this is but a particularly #FOSS, #Privacy_Respecting, or #DeSoc friendly campaign.

#tallship #You_no_can_haz_Cheezburgerz! 🍔


Bit of a... Well this just kinda bugs me.

No, it really bothers me. And it's so clandestine and leaves me with the distinct impression there is obfuscation delivered as authoritatively masquerading misinformation.

So I swapped out the first word of each sentence to clarify what those fuckers are actually saying, while pretending to say it isn't that way. Fuckin' bitches.


Went on an awesome date tonight!

Picked up this beautiful lady at her place, and she was keen on doing a steakhouse thing together.

We hit it off really well and I was excited to be with such a vibrant, adventerous woman.

After a couple of drinks we decided to head over to Outback and I unlocked and opened her door. She scoffed under her breath, and as she halfheartedly intended, I heard it.

Oddly, to me, she didn't reach over and unlock my door from her side. Ummm....

Fuck that bitch! We made friendly small talk as I got ready to drop the tranny (pundit) into drive and then I abruptly told this bitch to get thee fuck out my truck. I made it plain enough that there would not be any questions or discussion - abrupt and frank as I was.

Later, I met a nice girl after dinner in the lounge, as sus as one might find, meeting chicks in that sort of randomized scenario, yet often the most truthful.

Yah, no need to say more about people being truthful with each other so there's no crooked roads ahead.

I'll say more after breakfast, but I sense we're cooking it together here at her place, from what I've gathered so far - awesome! A night sleeping next to and holding another human being and fighting over spatulas in the morning!

#tallship #FOSS (as always bitches) #dating life -and living again in #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia I can haz #Cheezburgerz? #respect


Went on an awesome date tonight!

Picked up this beautiful lady at her place, and she was keen on doing a steakhouse thing together.

We hit it off really well and I was excited to be with such a vibrant, adventerous woman.

After a couple of drinks we decided to head over to Outback and I unlocked and opened her door. She scoffed under her breath, and as she halfheartedly intended, I heard it.


Telodendria's latest release and newsletter - everything surahs for itself here...

># Saturday, June 10, 2023

Gosh, it's been such a long time. I regret that this summer is not going how I would've originally planned it because of some complications with my job, but I'm making the most of it. I do have a handful of exciting things to share, and I'm hoping to keep up the hard work on Telodendria.

## Version 0.3.0

I won't go into the details here, but Telodendria v0.3.0 has finally been released after a few delays, although it is on schedule for v0.2.0, which was released very early, so I'm kind of right on schedule. I am currently hoping to get v0.4.0 out by the end of this year, but we will see if that happens or not.

I'm not going to hash out all the changes in this section, that's what the change log is for. As always, if you haven't joined, that's where you can get concise notifications about new releases.

## Cytoplasm

Cytoplasm is what I'm calling our new general-purpose C library that supports Telodendria. I think Cytoplasm/README.txt explains it best, so I've copied some of it below.

Cytoplasm is a general-purpose C library and runtime stub for
creating high-level (particularly networked and multi-threaded) C
applications. It allows applications to take advantage of the speed,
flexibility, and simplicity of the C programming language, while
providing helpful code to perform various complex tasks. Cytoplasm
provides high-level data structures, a basic logging facility, an
HTTP client and server, and more.

Cytoplasm aims not to only do one thing well, but to do many things
good enough. The primary target of Cytoplasm is simple, yet higher
level C applications that have to perform relatively complex tasks,
but don't want to pull in a large number of dependencies.

Cytoplasm is extremely opinionated on the way programs using it are
written. It strives to create a comprehensive and tightly-integrated
programming environment, while also maintaining C programming
correctness. It doesn't do any macro magic or make C look like
anything other than C. It is written entirely in C89, and depends
only on a POSIX environment. This differentiates it from other
general-purpose libraries that often require modern compilers and
non-standard language and environment features. Cytoplasm is intended
to be extremely portable and simple, while still providing some of
the functionality expected in higher-level programming languages
in a platform-agnostic manner. In the case of TLS, Cytoplasm wraps
low-level TLS libraries to offer a single, unified interface to TLS
so that programs do not have to care about the underlying

Originally a part of Telodendria (, a Matrix
homeserver written in C, Cytoplasm was split off into its own project
due to the desire of some Telodendria developers to use Telodendria's
code in other projects. Cytoplasm is still a Telodendria project,
and is maintained along side of Telodendria itself, even living in
the same CVS module, but it is designed specifically to be distributed
and used totally independent of Telodendria.

The name "Cytoplasm" was chosen for a few reasons. It plays off the
precedent set up by the Matrix organization in naming projects after
the parts of a neuron. It also speaks to the function of Cytoplasm.
The cytoplasm of a cell is the supporting material. It is what gives
the cell its shape, and it facilitates the movement of materials
to the other cell parts. Likewise, Cytoplasm aims to provide a
support mechanism for C applications that have to perform complex

Eventually it is my hope that Cytoplasm will get a nice spot on the Telodendria website (either its own page or subdomain), and that tarballs for it will be published independently of the Telodendria tarballs, but for now, everything is bundled in with Telodendria.

## Status Update

Here are some things I mentioned in the last newsletter, as well as a few new ones:

- Ports: I removed all the documentation for the Ports staging module because nobody is using it. It looks like Telodendria has been ported to OpenBSD, which means that I don't have to maintain the port myself, which I am glad about.
- User Interactive Authentication: The Matrix specification is implemented here, I just have to implement the administrator API for dealing with registration tokens.
- Configuration API: I am still working on it. You can currently replace the entire configuration, but not yet only one or two settings. That feature should come with v0.4.0.
- User Data & Capabilities: Capabilities are hard-coded, but the endpoint exists now. I haven't implemented the directory search yet.
- Continuous Integration: It looks like progress is being made on getting some CI up and running for Telodendria, which is very exciting.
- Documentation: Cytoplasm includes hdoc, a simple CLI tool for generating man pages by parsing a C header file. This tool is very primitive, but suits Telodendria's needs just fine.

## What Have I Been Working On Lately?

You may have noticed that things have been rather quiet around here. While I haven't committed much or written a lot of newsletters, I've still been hard at work; every free minute I have is spent on Telodendria. At the moment, I've been trying to debug some nasty memory corruption bugs, but I simply cannot figure out how to reliably reproduce them. I cannot pinpoint what makes the issue happen, because it seems so random. I've torn Telodendria down to basically nothing in my own working directory, and I still can't figure it out because it is so hit-or-miss whether or not I can actually get the issue to show itself. At some point I will put together some documentation on this, but I've been working on this for almost a month now, so I think it's time to just move on and deal with it later. I can assure you all that I will not release v1.0.0 with this still being a problem, but for now, I think my limited energy is best spent moving Telodendria forward and building out more of the Matrix specification. I do not want all development to stall just because of this, I have to keep moving on, particularly because I don't have very much time to spend on this project.

## What's Next?

From the TODO.txt file:

[~] /_telodendria/admin/config endpoint
	[ ] Update only certain values
[ ] Client-Server API
	[ ] 6: Filtering
	[ ] 7: Events
	[ ] 8: Rooms
	[~] 9: User Data
		[x] Profiles
		[ ] Directory

This is the fun stuff! I'm excited to get into this, because it is the meat of the specification. With the next release, Telodendria just might be usable for local user communication, which is really amazing to think about.

#tallship #FOSS #ANSI_C #POSIX


Telodendria's latest release and newsletter - everything surahs for itself here...

># Saturday, June 10, 2023

Gosh, it's been such a long time. I regret that this summer is not going how I would've originally planned it because of some complications with my job, but I'm making the most of it. I do have a handful of exciting things to share, and I'm hoping to keep up the hard work on Telodendria.


Interesting thing in his trial... For plagiarism (paraphrased, of course):

Plaintiffs attorney: "Doesn't this song you wrote here sound a lot like a Credence song?"

Respondent, under oath: "Well, since I wrote most of the Credence songs I'd say that they sound a lot like a John Fogerty song."

Boom Shakalaka! 💥

And a New York minute later, the publishing rights for the entire catalog of music was "gifted" to him after decades of him not having any ownership or control over it at all.

Vindication is it's own sweet justice!

#tallship #thieves #greed #music


Interesting thing in his trial... For plagiarism (paraphrased, of course):

Plaintiffs attorney: "Doesn't this song you wrote here sound a lot like a Credence song?"

Respondent, under oath: "Well, since I wrote most of the Credence songs I'd say that they sound a lot like a John Fogerty song."

Boom Shakalaka! 💥


## Relatica - the new desktop and mobile Fediverse client

Relatica is a new, refreshing, and promising cross platform #Friendica client in beta now.

#Relatica runs on #Android, #Linux, #Mac, and #Windows. It also has some welcome and ambitious goals on the roadmap:

Testers, packagers, and early adopters are wanted for the official beta program.

Relatica's developer is friendly, accessible, and responsive. The project enjoys an aggressive development cycle and has its own dedicated #Matrix support channel.

It's good to see a novel and dedicated effort to deliver a capable #desktop and mobile client that allows for #social engagement without a browser:

For those here that aren't aware already, Friendica is one of the earliest and yet most modern and feature rich #Fediverse platforms, #internetworking with other protocols that enables you to do things like directly interface with #Diaspora and even the deprecated legacy silo networks too.

#Friendica has a pluggable addon system and provides direct support for multiple text formats and even direct linking of images in posts.

There's really just too much to list. If you're wanting a feature complete platform for #publishing, #microblogging, #news, #RSS, social engagement and more then Relatica is definitely worth trying out!

If you're interested in trying out Relatica's ease of use and features then you'll need to have a user account on a Friendica server.

You can self-host or get yourself a free Friendica account here:

I hope that helps!

I can be reached on Matrix at:

via XMPP at:

and in the Fediverse at:

#tallship #FOSS #Relatica #ActivityPub You can haz #Cheezburgerz! 🍔


## Relatica - the new desktop and mobile Fediverse client

Relatica is a new, refreshing, and promising cross platform #Friendica client in beta now.

#Relatica runs on #Android, #Linux, #Mac, and #Windows. It also has some welcome and ambitious goals on the roadmap:

Testers, packagers, and early adopters are wanted for the official beta program.


#### takahē - A new Fediverse paradigm

#### 19 January 2023

Fresh out of the oven is #Takahē, introducing a very interesting basic functional motive for development and delivering a beautiful #UX. It also derives inspiration in the form of its #mascott from a species once thought extinct for about a century.

That is, until a single man obsessed with the saga of this large, flightness bird since his early childhood, endlessly sought out and eventually rediscovered it was actually extant 75 years ago through his tireless efforts.

In recent years, and not without some particularly problematic attempts in the management of this #endangered_species, the population of these magnificent birds has more or less stabilized at around 100 members living in the wild, thanks to the committed efforts of a government sponsored #refoliation, hatching, and rearing program; in conjunction with a comprehensive scientific tagging, tracking, and monitoring effort of those members released into the wild alongside the wild-born members of the #population.

The software project itself has struck me as rather special too, and not just for its two functionally unique characteristics amongst other #Fediverse platforms - first, and similar to name based #SSL hosting on #HTTP servers with #SNI, Takahē provides multi-domain virtual hosting capabilities to #ActivityPub - this is huge, and opens the door for for even the casusl home self-hoster to provide #turnkey #SaaS offerings to their friends and family members in the form of small and #single_user "virtual Fediverse server instances", in consumer based home #LAN environments - let alone the potential for commercial hosting endeavors.

To my knowledge, this is the very first time this novel approach to Fediverse networking over ActivityPub has been broached.

If you hurry, you might still be able to secure for yourself an account in their limited beta program.

Go ahead, you can do that now, I'll still be here when you get back 😎

And as if that alone were not enough to revolutionize the paradigm and dynamic of the Fediverse, Takahē also introduces multiple account (alt) identities for each user user account on the server. This can only be described as freaking groundbreaking!

A single user account for a person might be the base for say, both @userone@SLD01.TLD01 AND @userone@SLD02 .TLD02 AND @usertwo@SLD02 .TLD02 - that, at least to me, can only be described as, "The Bees Knees".

I'm sure that many will cite, and of course it is not only possible but quite likely, that this will lower the bar for abusive actors to engage in shenanigans. However true as that may be, such potential (and existing practice) exists already within the Fediverse so the ease with which bad actors will avail themselves of such toolings only is only trivially simplified, not introduced; besides, complaining about such a thing is irrelevant - the cat is already out of the bag.

Indeed, there are already other Fediverse server platforms (such as the Hubzilla (ZOT) and Misskey families of forks and variants that already support the creation and management of multiple identities under a single account anyway - but Bringing the SNI shared hosting experience into production with a single Fediverse server instance is truly unprecedented in Fediverse space.

There's a lot more. Did I mention the beautiful, and exceedingly intuitive UI? Of course I did!

There's another corollary that I alluded to. Did you miss it? It was right there, before your eyes.

Yes, there's a metaphor, craftily scripted between the lines of everything you just read (that is, if you didn't tl;dr).

The impetus for much of #decentralization (DeSoc) and the #Genesis of the Fediverse is arguably the notion of what was indeed a #decentralized #World_Wide_Web over the fully decentralized #Internet, having falling victim to capture by special interests - the #deprecated, #proprietary, #privacy_disrespecting and #legacy #monolithic_silos - owned, spawned, and managed by mega surveillance-capitalism #data_mining corporations.... IOW, the so-called, Sunnyvale Syndrome.

This effectively killed of much of the notion that there even still existed an independant, #distributed_network of services and sites truly belonging to the #individual_participants, i.e., average #schmoes like you and me.

For sometime now, many have even claimed and argued that the kinder, friendlier #web of days gone by, where small #communities of #people and #websites belonging to #individuals and small businesses were actually #extinct in reality - with only those well heeled analytically correct, SEO optimized, #subjugated websites and #chattel in the form of people that had sworn #fealty to their lords and masters remaining. #Apple, #Amazon, the #Google and #Faceplant having long since taken #possession of their souls and #identities.

It's dark, so incredibly dark. And you have awakened to find yourself at the bottom of a well that you apparently have fallen into. There's plenty of water, you're knee deep in it, and a voice from above booms aloud that food will be delivered so long as, "It puts the lotion on its skin!"

And in a manner of speaking, following an "Internet century" (think, 'dog years') of a #dystopian #feudal Institution where Homo sapien drones existing in #Lords_and_Vassals lockstep, told what to think, how to believe, where to shit, and when to wake up and punch the time clock, had completely replaced the actually extinct human race... Well?...

Fast forwarding to the scene where...

Some awkward little child in a dimly candlelit bedroom, many children, truth be told, consumed with the dreams of, and empowered with an obsessive belief that, a world where real, unique and independently diverse human beings actually existed, grew up and many years later rediscovered that they really did still walk the earth.

Kinda like the true story of the Takahē. And we too, are beautiful.

I'm leaving the rest for you to discover for yourselves, and look forward to many discussions on this invigorating topic. In the meantime, you can follow:


I can be reached on Matrix at:

via XMPP at:

and in the Fediverse at:

I hope that helps! Enjoy!

#tallship #FOSS #virtual_hosting #multiple_identity #DeSoc #Sunnyvale_Syndrome #AOL_Effect


#### takahē - A new Fediverse paradigm

#### 19 January 2023

Fresh out of the oven is #Takahē, introducing a very interesting basic functional motive for development and delivering a beautiful #UX. It also derives inspiration in the form of its #mascott from a species once thought extinct for about a century.



As promised, here's that boatload ⛵


Well I "think" your asking about a method to have two accounts simultaneously available to you on your desktop. If that's the case, I could mention a few historic ones, but they were largely rather clunky and many even abandoned I think, but...

I know you like #Electron, so here's one - but note that I haven't vetted it properly do please don't consider this an actual recommendation just yet. I'll have to pour over all of these again actually, Electron desktop apps and browser based webapps, because it's been a while.

And there's a cute webapp that I noticed a month or two ago, yet still needs a few quirks worked out, like when you visit a profile.

I'll post the link to it below but first to an article describing it:

Now, a problem you "might" have, at least on mobile, is your default browser setting, so, say you normally use straight chromium; you might want to manually launch a different browser like #Brave or #Vivaldi and then launch the browser webapp, or perhaps find that it reverts to whichever your current default browser has logged into already (I'm not certain of this, and once you login as that other user and save the webapp to your screen you should be good to go anyway for future sessions).

Saving the webapp to your screen on Android will connect that particular client (each instance of the saved webapp) to whichever server you connected it to and whichever underlying browser you did it with).

My only pet peeve with these is the loss of your address bar, so you can't just type in an address or copy the link from there directly:

You actually can self-host Android apps on desktop a few different ways - none of them optimally, IMO; but here's one that I myself use to great utility for controlling an Android from my own desktops - YMMV, but something tells me you shouldn't have much of an issue using it 🙂

It's actually really kewl, and had much wider applications.

I'll rattle off a few others if the top of my head, but I have no idea what they're current status is, so thanks for prodding me too go and catch-up on these, dune if which i haven't looked at in about 4 years or so:

- #Sengi (webapp)
- Pinafore (webapp)
- #Whalebird (Electron desktop)
- Brutaldon (Webapp - kinda sucky IIRC) (but Jason does do some kewl minimalist #Gemini stuff and is one of us "original 10" Gemini server operators.
- toot (shell - not sure if it's ncurses based)
- naumanni (self-hosted web-based, multi-account)
- Madonctl (CLI - Go)
- #Halcyon (webapp)
- tooty (self-hosted webapp)

NOTE: I went and looked them up in my notes after all lolz.

I think most of these should work with all of the #Pleroma forks too like #Soapbox and #Akkoma, since they incorporate the Mastodon API, but so does #Mitra and some things don't work with it (yet, like #Fedilab).

Some also worked with #Misskey too, so that will probably include #Calckey and #Foundkey.

I think I'll paste the link to this post in the room too, since this may be if interest to many there as well.

In the meantime, I'll go and look around at dinner if those older webapps and see which ones are still extant.

I hope that helps!

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #scrcpy #cuckoo_social



As promised, here's that boatload ⛵


Well I "think" your asking about a method to have two accounts simultaneously available to you on your desktop. If that's the case, I could mention a few historic ones, but they were largely rather clunky and many even abandoned I think, but...

I know you like #Electron, so here's one - but note that I haven't vetted it properly do please don't consider this an actual recommendation just yet. I'll have to pour over all of these again actually, Electron...


## Making Better Use of Space

### Moving that old white elephant in the room.

There's been a lot of talk lately, and speculation, about the #Fediverse. Yet for the most part, only with respect to a single brand of server platform.

What I find particularly odd about that, is it's a rather lackluster server platform (especially considering the hefty system requirements) with an extremely limited feature list. Mastodon servers have a hard coded default character count limit per post of only 500 characters - more than Twitter, but not often enough to get a complete thought out with a link to somewhere else, or engage in a conversational thread, and certainly nowhere near what you need to post a news article, holiday recipe, tutorial, HowTo, or movie review.

As if a paltry 500 character limit isn't bad enough for this resource hog, virtually every other Fediverse platform provides for sensible , and configurable message lengths with common defaults of 2000, 5000, or more; most support #Markdown, and other ubiquitous text formats like #LaTex or #HTML, and some even have built in #WYSIWYG editors - like #WordPress, #Hubzilla, and #Drupal, with big players like #Imgur and #Tumblr already looking forward to their official Fediverse launches soon.

When those latter two giants arrive on the scene, the world of social networking will truly be interconnected, having achieved critical mass. It will be a revolution, a juggernaut toppling the deprecated, legacy monolithic silos that have so insidiously subverted and subjugated the masses like chattel. But I digress.

Other Fediverse platforms have offered the ability for people to edit their own posts for a long time, some for years, yet mastodon enabled this capability less than a month ago. It lags behind most other Fediverse platforms in several other ways too - groups, marketplaces, federated chat, and several other often requested functions are all but ignored by that platforms' developer while other Fediverse servers enjoy active and ambitious development cycles with new feature releases.

So considering it is so lacking in basic functionality compared to the other more prominent contemporaries, I've assembled a curated list below where you can evaluate and testdrive others for yourself. I've included links to some of the most darling up and coming projects like #Foundkey and #Quanta, that scale to thousands of users, and if you truly want an even smaller, minimalist Fediverse platform I've included #MicroBlogPub too. There's a couple of web tools including databases so you can search for even more platforms, instances, and compare statistics.

Choosing from the list below, you can join existing instances, self-host your own, or even have a professional #hosting_provider do it for you - simply pick a #turnkey provider where in just a couple of clicks your new fully managed Fediverse server will be online in only a minute or two!

There are literally free and privacy respecting Fediverse platforms to replace everything from #Faceplant, #Twatter, #Reddit, #YouTube, #twitch, #InstaSPAM, #Spotify, #Quora and so very much more!

And most are so light on system resources that you can run then on an old laptop or #Raspberry_Pi in your home.

Without further adieu, here's a list of [some of] the most prominent Fediverse server platforms in operation.




#tallship #FOSS #Soapbox #Rebased #PeerTube #Mitra #Quanta #Pixelfed #Epicyon #Friendica #WriteFreely #Plume #FunkWhale #MicroBlogPub #Socialhome #GotoSocial #Owncast #LoTide #Lemmy #ActivityPub #Privacy #DeSoc #Federating #Decentralize

I hope that helps! Enjoy!


## Making Better Use of Space

### Moving that old white elephant in the room.

There's been a lot of talk lately, and speculation, about the #Fediverse. Yet for the most part, only with respect to a single brand of server platform.

What I find particularly odd about that, is it's a rather lackluster server platform (especially considering the hefty system requirements) with an extremely limited feature list. Mastodon servers have a hard coded default character count limit per post of only 500 characters...

Go Up