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26 posts total
Daniel Durrans

#Caturday is about finding the best sleeping position possible.


Daniel Durrans

#Caturday is Costa's favourite day for sleeping.

He has been on the sofa for about an hour, loudly snoring.

Daniel Durrans

Caturday, brought to you by my cats, Costa and Starbuck.

Starbuck is the one trying out a new sleeping position - the vertical ball.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Daniel Durrans

This is Starbuck. He is 12½ years old and originally cost £10.

Starbuck likes:
- Sleeping
- Sneezing
- Vomiting hairballs
- Applying fur to everything

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #FediCats

Daniel Durrans

This is Costa. He is trying his best to share the chair with me. To be fair, he is keeping my foot warm.

#CatsOfMastodon #FediCats

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