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163 posts total
lainoid the omniscient
People who talked for years about "if you don't pay you're the product" when a formerly ad-supported service tries to charge money: wow I hope it fucking crashes and burns
lainoid the omniscient
A new Pleroma security release is out that you should install immediately. If you can not do so for some reason, activate filename anonymization.

Thanks to @feld and @lanodan for handling this so quickly!
lainoid the omniscient
Me eating a pizza in front of my gluten + lactose intolerant wife
lainoid the omniscient

Another important pleroma security post: @alex and @graf found ANOTHER injection bug, and this one was probably used for the attack. I think that single user instances are probably not affected, but I wouldn't want to risk it. Move your media and proxy to a subdomain as alex initially recommended, it's not complicated and takes 15 minutes, and eliminates this whole class of bugs.

Fix is being worked on, but just do the media/proxy thing now so you'll never have to worry about this again.

Another important pleroma security post: @alex and @graf found ANOTHER injection bug, and this one was probably used for the attack. I think that single user instances are probably not affected, but I wouldn't want to risk it. Move your media and proxy to a subdomain as alex initially recommended, it's not complicated and takes 15 minutes, and eliminates this whole...
lainoid the omniscient

Just to be clear, if you run a pleroma server, it’s a very good idea to add this to your nginx config immediately:

location ~ ^/(media|proxy) {
        add_header Content-Security-Policy "sandbox;";

Most people will already not be vulnerable to this for a variety of reasons, but this will absolutely stop it.

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