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1,523 posts total
Alex Gleason
Nostr users can now follow Bluesky accounts thanks to a combination of the Mostr Bridge and @08071429! Learn how to follow Bluesky users from #Nostr:
Alex Gleason
Nostr users can now follow Bluesky accounts thanks to a combination of the Mostr Bridge and @08071429! Learn how to follow Bluesky users from #Nostr:
Alex Gleason
Telegram: banned me

Matrix: followed me on Twitter
Alex Gleason
I only post on Twitter to publicly shame brands.
Alex Gleason
Knuckles is like the Kendrick Lamar of Sonic.
Alex Gleason
RFK with a brain worm is still better than Trump and Biden combined.
Alex Gleason
As a vegan, I cannot believe I agree with this woman who shot her dog.
Alex Gleason
All Brazilians have an American first name and a Mexican last name.
Alex Gleason
Hello, my name is Jonathan Juan Maria Ramirez
Alex Gleason
Mushroom is the most powerful nation on Earth. Even more powerful than Russia.
Alex Gleason
You can be a gamer and a successful person. Never let your mom tell you you can't.
Alex Gleason
This is why I’ve stopped trying to “make the sell” to people who don’t get it. I used to feel bad for these people but I’ve been mocked and laughed at for 14 years straight, all the way from 30 cents to today. They will get it at the price they deserve.
Alex Gleason
Daniel Radcliffe looks like he's been starving on a desert island for 7 days.
Alex Gleason
I used to hate databases. Then I spent years studying them, experimenting, and learning about they work. Now I really hate databases.
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