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2 posts total

So I was following a thread discussion about Maus and I noticed that Jews and non-Jews reacted to the piece in different ways. For non-Jews the thought was "oh what a terrible tragedy, it's really terrible what happened to those people" and for Jews it was also "This all could happen to me, what could I have done to not be killed by these fucking people".

And I really wish everyone had the latter view. 1/2


Like why when we see gay people being targetted in Poland or Muslim people basically all across Europe and the Americas are we not able to say "If these people are willing to do that to them they are willing to do that to me".

Like why isn't there that selfish impulse? Why is speaking out against oppression seen as this brave and selfless act? Like I worry that people haven't fully internalised the Niemöller poem.


Hey @Gargron what's the blocker from a feature for disabling replies to be merged in?

Eugen Rochko

@zzz While the post's originating server could certainly make the call about ignoring and discarding replies, there is no mechanism by which an observing server could tell if a reply it encounters in the wild is supposed to be accepted or not. Thus the author's server would see no replies, yet any 3rd party would see replies.

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