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77 posts total
/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

apparently, holding hands specifically like that, like in this picture from belarus, makes it hard for cops to pull someone out of a crowd


ГУЛЯЮЩИЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА обратите внимание на то как стояли год назад в беларуси!!!! эта цепочка очень помогает не выдернуть кого-то из столпы и меньше шансов попасться в руки 0М0H но и помните что стоять в ней нужно КАК НА КАРТИНКЕ не под ручки А ПОД ЛОКОТЬ


/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

спасибо путину за то, что спас нас от ужаса 90х. жуткие были времена, когда рубль мог за неделю упасть в два раза, россия вела ненужные войны, вся наша экономика была завязана на экспорте полезных ископаемых, а политиков стреляли и травили без последствий.

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)


Что ещё цепануло во вчерашней речи.

«Запад хочет вместо наших ценностей навязать свои псевдоценности, не совместимые с самой человеческой природой»

Прикиньте, разъебать соседнюю страну и готовиться разъебать ядерками весь мир, чтобы, БОЖЕ УПАСИ, в России никто в жопу не ебался


/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

пишут, что вышел новый пиртьюб, и теперь на мобилках управление проще

they say a new peertube is out and controlling it on mobile phones is now easier

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

i made a mod for !

actually, i made it a long time ago, but today i finally decided to put it out on contentdb so others can use it.

it's a simple mod that adds colored versions of meselamps.

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

i like how negative + question marker is used to form suggestions

works a bit similarly in russian

"не сходить ли нам в парк в эту субботу?"

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

basically the only reason i'm ok with cryptocurrencies being a thing is because of the russian government's awfulness

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)


I am highkey mindblown by this. You can check out their technical research paper (in English) here:
“Mixbox - Practical Pigment Mixing for Digital Painting”

I have never wanted to have something this badly in my life.


/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

«NFTs will be able to unite together words, images, videos and music, creating a new type of literature!".

This is called a "website". Homestuck. You just described the interactive comic book Homestuck.

What are you doing to do with a token worth "1 Homestuck"?»


Хабр унизил нфт так, как его не мог унизить никто другой.


/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

has anyone made lossless video compression algorithms for things like old video games or non-HD video footage?

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

did a diamond mining company write this

*looks at the bottom of the chart* apparently they did


Diamonds grown in a lab don't conjure up quite the same emotions as natural diamonds do


/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

the russian government's policies in a nutshell: shoot your own foot, blame the americans, punish the russians

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

oh no, a person doesn't follow every rule of their religion, that must mean their entire wing of politics is bad

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

reminds me of that thing where a group of vikings went to raid spain, stayed, converted to islam and became cheesemakers

or the recent find of a respected non-binary leader in finland

or viking era laws protecting women in an era where a lot of europe treated them like property



/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

society if at least half of the effort that goes into developing and promoting non-fungible tokens went into making bittorrent better (e.g. protecting users against threats from copyright watchdog organizations)

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