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61 posts total

Wasabi politely waiting for a bit of the butter that goes into the Saturday puff pancake

#DailyCatPic #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #cats #caturday


so i recently gained the remarkable ability to listen to podcasts and i'm catching up on peter adamson's "history of philosophy without any gaps" (, an ambitious 10-year-old project to cover the entire worldwide history of philosophy. currently it's at the western european renaissance, and there are parallel series covering islamic, byzantine, indian, and african philosophical traditions. i assume china will eventually happen.

anyway, i'm at the episode on zeno of elea (, and in case anyone didn't know, @darius has made a game about zeno's famous paradox:

(be patient, it takes a while to load)

#history #philosophy #podcast #gameing 🐘

so i recently gained the remarkable ability to listen to podcasts and i'm catching up on peter adamson's "history of philosophy without any gaps" (, an ambitious 10-year-old project to cover the entire worldwide history of philosophy. currently it's at the western european renaissance, and there are parallel series covering islamic, byzantine, indian, and african philosophical traditions. i assume china will eventually happen.


Wasabi has a new perch she can watch me judgmentally from

#DailyCatPic #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #cats 🐘


Wasabi just wants to use my hand as a chin rest.

#DailyCatPic 🐦


#DailyCatPic: from yesterday, this is Wasabi waiting expectantly for a bit of cream as my roommate makes coffee. Note how her feet are not in the kitchen at all, these are her Polite Feet.


She harassed me by whining and trying to jump on things until I paid attention to her, then went and sat pointedly by the paper bag until I put it on the bed

#DailyCatPic #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #cats #caturday

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