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32 posts total
Sean Tilley
I'm that guy that's in tons of Matrix chatrooms, but I barely talk in any of them. 😬

I constantly feel like an outsider in real-time chat communities. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it just feels hard to get a word in edgewise?
Darius Kazemi

@sean I'm the exact same way except I hardly even lurk anymore after giving up

Sean Tilley
Thoughts on the #Twitter SuperFollowers / Communities announcement:

1. Integrating a Patreon-like model into accounts is actually an interesting idea. I dunno if it's great to charge for access to certain kinds of private content on a public social network, but for creatives and models, it could be interesting.

2. Somehow, they've beaten a good portion of the fediverse to supporting Groups, which is absurd. We totally had this in the bag, but we dragged our feet on it. Like, this could honestly have been a strong incentive to get people to get off Twitter, an actually good feature that they didn't have.

I think it's annoying that Twitter is doing these features, but they kind of make sense.
Thoughts on the #Twitter SuperFollowers / Communities announcement:

1. Integrating a Patreon-like model into accounts is actually an interesting idea. I dunno if it's great to charge for access to certain kinds of private content on a public social network, but for creatives and models, it could be interesting.
Eugen Rochko

@sean I dunno about groups, seems like they've been the center of controversy for facebook quite a lot

Sean Tilley

Frustrating thing about mastoAPI documentation so far: lack of examples of how a constructed URL should look. I don’t need them often, but sometimes they give useful hints.

The Polls documentation seems to make sense right up until you get to the part about POSTing the choices:

For some reason, the server says this is a bad request:


But, formatting the number to go inside the array brackets also fails. It’d just be nice to have an example of what the request is supposed to look like.

Frustrating thing about mastoAPI documentation so far: lack of examples of how a constructed URL should look. I don’t need them often, but sometimes they give useful hints.

The Polls documentation seems to make sense right up until you get to the part about POSTing the choices:

Darius Kazemi

@sean I see where the documentation might be failing you. "choices" isn't a path parameter, it's a "form data parameter", which means it needs to be encoded in the request like form-data

Sean Tilley
Dang, #Hometown's color scheme (at least, the one at is really, really easy on the eyes. 😉
Sean Tilley
So... I'm developing this frontend. To set it up to make it work, I used my account to register an application, which gave me a client_id and a secret. I used those to get an access token, which I put into my app.

Then, I used that app to log in as myself with a password grant. So far, so good.

The thing that makes me kind of uncomfortable is the realization that I can see my timeline stuff when I'm logged out...which shouldn't be happening. I put a bullshit piece of login logic up to steer anonymous users from private statuses, but this seems wrong.

So, here's my question: did I accidentally scope my entire application to access everything a single authenticated user should access? If so, what do I need to do to make this properly multi-tenant? I feel like maybe I should somehow maybe save the resulting token a user gets after logging in to localstorage or something, and somehow make the API requests for an authenticated user access that?

#Mastodon #Pleroma #Fediverse
So... I'm developing this frontend. To set it up to make it work, I used my account to register an application, which gave me a client_id and a secret. I used those to get an access token, which I put into my app.

Darius Kazemi

@sean if I'm understanding you right, yes, the localstorage method is how I handle it

Sean Tilley
The endless cycle of learning programming.
Sean Tilley
Why do the Putt-Putt games never depict his parents? Is Putt-Putt an orphan?

There seems to be no canonical answer to this.
Darius Kazemi

@sean I spent too long checking the fandom wiki to confirm this

Sean Tilley
The year is 2182. Operating systems are more advanced than ever before - but people are still playing retro adventure games in ScummVM.

Meanwhile, the leading artists of the day lean over their holotablets, carefully crafting pixel art that maintains the original 90's aesthetic on screen resolutions with 80 trillion pixels.

@sean if IT continues the today's trajectory, by 2182 it would be illegal to own any hardware more advanced than a thin client. You'd need a special license for that, which is only given to corporations.

Sean Tilley
Big mood: rewriting youtube-dl into Elixir scripts and giving it a vague name that has nothing to do with YouTube
Sean Tilley
Real talk, though, I was really surprised to see that youtube-dl is written in Python.

But why, though?
Sean Tilley
If only we could create perpetual motion through the application of endless Internet circle-jerking.

@sean it does create perpetual motion of IP packets though

Sean Tilley
Hey @Gargron , whatever happened to Mastodon Bridge? I know it's been a while, but last I checked it's not a thing anymore?

I really loved the concept: it was very useful for discovering mutuals on the fediverse! I was curious as to whether there were specific reasons for shutting it down.

I ask because I kind of wonder whether this might be a good project for #Feneas, but I have no idea about whether there was a Big Serious Reason for not doing it anymore.
Hey @Gargron , whatever happened to Mastodon Bridge? I know it's been a while, but last I checked it's not a thing anymore?

I really loved the concept: it was very useful for discovering mutuals on the fediverse! I was curious as to whether there were specific reasons for shutting it down.
Eugen Rochko

@sean I deleted my Twitter account is what happened. Couldn't get another access token after that as the application got denied.

Sean Tilley
I'm planning to do a short documentary series about the history of the #fediverse, what should I bring up?

It's part of a larger series I'd like to do, called Browser History.
Sean Tilley
Following up on this: I'm doing a bit of research on the very early days of the fediverse, like in the Laconia / Friendika era. One name that comes up now and again is Indymedia, but I've found very few resources about its relationship to the fediverse. Was Indymedia a part of it at some point?

The closest I could find was that their Newswire service was powered by OStatus, but that was an obscure mention by @kaniini many months ago.
Following up on this: I'm doing a bit of research on the very early days of the fediverse, like in the Laconia / Friendika era. One name that comes up now and again is Indymedia, but I've found very few resources about its relationship to the fediverse. Was Indymedia a part of it at some point?
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