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166 posts total

the 74187 is a 1024-bit ROM (arranged as 256 x 4 bits). i was surprised to see this in my collection since this is a mask ROM device -- typically these have a custom marking on top.

...and yes, there seems to be data in this chip, but it is mostly zeros.


in contrast, the 74LS471 is a 2048 bit PROM (arranged as 256 x 8 bits). looks like i can program it using my Allmax programmer!


the 74HC942 is a Bell 103-compatible 300 baud modem, all in one chip! you'd need quite a bit of external circuitry to interface it to the phone line, however.

Zorin =^o.o^=

@tubetime Given that 1983 date code I wonder if that chip was on my Hayes Micromodem IIe in my Apple II.

DHeadshot's Alt

Could use it for a Kansas City Standard tape interface though?


@tubetime Very nice. I've got a couple Tranz-330s in the stockpile for keypad and VFD reaping... They've got 73K224Ls in them that I believe handle Bell 103. We could have them fight...


i was looking at the Wikipedia list of 7400 chips ( and noticed some really unusual devices.🧵


see, over the past few days i've been sorting through a *ton* of chips that i recently got. and, as it turns out, i actually *have* several of the truly strange devices in the 74xx family. so let's take a look!


so apparently you can increase the capacitance of an electrolytic capacitor by putting it in a centrifuge? weird!

RealGene ☣️

It's pretty clear (and he acknowledges near the end) that any effect is probably due to mechanical deformation.

It would have been simpler just to measure continuously while crushing one in a vice.

Brian Danger Hicks

@tubetime Getting out of the ARM business once again. I wonder how long it will last this time.

Paula Maddox

@tubetime interesting, though I don’t get why you’d buy a company and then put it out on its own.

Anthony, of course

@tubetime spin off the FPGA unit? Spin off? Like in a Cyclone?

I'll get my coat 🧥


this chip seems to have been sanded down -- you can see the marks


one of the pins fell off so I carved away part of the encapsulation and soldered it back on


@tubetime That power supply definitely looks like stick of C-4 that some hero cop (recently recalled from retirement to save the day) is trying to disarm in a movie from ~the early 00s.

Just sayin'

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@tubetime @awlnx The captain also wrote a book about this flight that is a very interesting read:

Jamie McCarthy

@tubetime Thanks for sharing this — I had to read it in two sessions (with a commercial jet flight between!) but this was a great read

Eric Carroll

Oooh. I sense a new episode of MayDay coming.

Great show, the audience gets to play Guess The Failure Mode from the comfort of home.

"I can Guess The Failure Mode in 5 minutes Alec! "


bookmark this:

it is not just a book--there is an online utility that can help you identify mystery connectors!


how to design user friendly systems in No Time

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Dantali0n :arch: :i3:

@tubetime Am I the only one concerned with that it appears a GIF viewer is used as interface to a SCADA system?

Multi Purr Puss :verified:

@tubetime it's got thicc scroll bars though - very user friendly to be able to see the current position in the document.


@tubetime to be fair it *does* look like someone spent exactly NO TIME on the design...


i've reverse engineered a printed circuit board using ARTWORK FROM AN ALBUM COVER. 😲 not on my list for 2023!!


i'm trying to install OS/2 2.0 on my Thinkpad 700C (16 floppy disks, wow) but i'm running into this weird error message. anyone recognize it?


Allegro layout software, circa 1990.

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Mark J Koch ✅

@tubetime Allegro (and Cadence? Schematic capture) was my first tool for making professional PCBs. It was what Sun used for hardware design. Eventually learned Eagle so that we could do more in our department "under the radar". Our Allegro "tape out" had to go through a PCB department and generally had long delays whenever hotter projects had priority.


@tubetime I can still remember laying out boards at 2x or 4x scale with semi transparent red and blue tape. Yes, really.

I should get a colonoscopy - oh I forgot I already did.


helping you gun down your competition 😬

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Simon Frankau

@tubetime Impressive that it can manage to be both wildly distasteful and anti-competitive.


@tubetime I’m fascinated by some of the specifics in this ad. They had just moved to AZ (from NY). The logo (there’s an extra notch in the m) and the device they’re advertising doesn’t exist. To my knowledge, this is pre-PIC16.


@tubetime they may actually be serious, the logo does kind-of look like two pistols.


hey, quick reminder that i'm also on Bluesky. should i migrate over? i don't use twitter anymore, and mastodon doesn't have many non-techy folks.

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scrottie (he/him/they)

@tubetime What non-techy things are you interested in? And no, a site run by a good friend of and supporter of Elon that Elon is invested in really isn't it. It might be ok now but how many corporate communities in the last couple of years have absolutely turned on their residents? Etsy, Bandcamp? The implosion of Tumblr? And also I would miss you.



IDK I've found a lot of non tech people here. It's important to follow a lot of people here to get a real sense of what's going on.

But, yeah, what sort of things are you looking for?


@tubetime only use this for the few who haven't set up shop on blue Sky. but I have abandoned mastodon for the most part.


hmm what do we have here? stack failure?

Dave Spector

@tubetime I have one of those from the 6600 at NYU. It was a very cool machine.


@tubetime Did you see how some memory modules were constructed? I would hate to have to deal with these rope memory modules in any way, shape, or form...
-- --

That said I had an old mini-mainframe things 30 years back that actually had a few cards of plane ferrite core memory and it used to dim the lights in my place when it turned on, and then again when loading/reading the memory. Quite surreal...

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