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242 posts total
(位. borkdude)

The next version of #babashka will have an improvement in core.async!

Before, the go macro was backed by OS threads (for compat). This limited the amount of go blocks. Launching 100k of them would crash. But now it will be implemented using JDK19 virtual threads 馃殌


(位. borkdude)

You can use httpkit as a git dependency now. It calls out to lein to just-in-time compile the Java sources 馃ぃ

(位. borkdude)

My OSS updates for February 2023!

Thanks to sponsors who make it possible!

#clojure @cljtogether

(位. borkdude)

With a small hack to SCI (Clojure interpreter) I was able to interpret #clojure abstractly as type expressions. This is the 15 minute prototype:

(位. borkdude)

RT @ClojureDeref
The State of Clojure 2023 community survey is now available! - this survey has been a vital source of community info since 2010 and we would greatly appreciate your input

(位. borkdude)

Showcasing a little Sunday afternoon project called "cljs-showcase" which helps... showcasing your ClojureScript library in an interactive way using SCI!

#clojure #clojurescript

(位. borkdude)

This is pretty cool. Deno 1.31 adds more Node.js compatibility and #nbbcljs largely works on deno now.

You can execute a script from a gist, see screenshot.

Also the nREPL server works so interactive development within #deno with #nbbcljs works! 馃く

#clojure #clojurescript

(位. borkdude)

Here's a way how you can read a single character from a console in #clojure / #babashka:

Unfortunately it doesn't work in Windows, so *nix/macOS only.

(位. borkdude)

Wanna play console tetris in bb?

bb -Sdeps '{:deps {io.github.borkdude/console-tetris {:git/sha "2d3bee34ea93c84608c7cc5994ae70480b2df54c"}}}' -m tetris.core

#clojure #babashka

(位. borkdude)

Another browser environment powered by SCI! This time an animated music editor in Clojurescript/re-frame!

#clojure #sci #clojurescript

(位. borkdude)

This is pretty cool: run Node.js libraries directly in the browser. Even the #nbbcljs REPL works

pnpm install nbb
pnpm nbb (start the repl)
node index.js (run index.js file)

#clojure #nodejs

(位. borkdude)

What is impressive about this is that this runs 100% client side, but it looks like a normal Node.js runtime

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