or someone who is good at german search engines maybe this is something you might be able to find that my anglophone self is not equipped for sitting at #laidak in berlin with @notplants and @exquisitecorp and showing @Systemofchaos an introduction to the fediverse I don't know why I found this so interesting that I haven't closed the tab in 2 days so posting it here someone across from me on the train has a hoodie with 'bigrep' on it and I read it as 'bi grep' but after realized it's probably supposed to be 'big rep' which is much less interesting is there a blog or news source or person who is specifically covering the Digital Markets Act and how it change and shift the digital ecosystems? Yes. It is https://interoperability.news :) Also when the EU came to us, I asked Christine and @rhiaro to become the invited expert to the EU, but they didn't had time, so the group sent me to Brussels. "ascii art card with chain and barb wire 1980s wired magazine" run via https://collage.artbreeder.com came across https://webxdc.org by @delta in the Redecentralize Digest, I could see this implemented in a fediverse context as well, I wonder if anyone has played with this type of thing here ok the interface is sort of confusing as hell but I got my surface-linux thing and my android thing syncing my obsidian folder locally and thats fucking cool. trying to get it working on iOS too... well I was trying to upgrade my linux kernel to surface linux and am getting stuck on signing it and I cant disable secure boot cause the device seems locked at bios, I can still boot into the non surface linux luckily yay typing this from a newly signed surface-linux kernel! this answer was the key. I thought I had done all those steps but somehow I must have not dont them right https://askubuntu.com/questions/1050070/mokmanager-does-not-start-on-reboot I have found two thermos bottles in the last month now with no lids, any recommendation as to how to replace the missing lids? the two bottles have different diameters of opening #recomendations
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@liaizon the one on the right resembles the ones simple modern makes, i'd try looking there for a match. i don't have any the same size but the ones i do have closely correspond in overall profile, thread form, and throat diameter. maybe it's their "small" or similar? 🤷♀️ @liaizon @GustavinoBevilacqua if you write a very nice email to the companies that make them they may send a lid. Is there a streight forward way of getting all my mastodon follow (ing/ers) as a .vcard file to import into an address book app? clothes really weird cause there not really a singular. "I would like one cloth please" you have to say "a piece of clothing" Oooh don't tempt me, lol. I'd love something like this, especially for decolonizing language itself (and even probably allowing people to crowdsource translations). (https://jacky.wtf/2022/7/BLJF) would like one not rooted in talking about it thru the lens of capitalism and competition but thru its effects on global communication and transfiguration @liaizon Kittler's "Optical Media" talks mostly about the relation of text and image in Europe but later he gets into electronic transmission of both. |
@liaizon my version w homemade kimchi, fried egg, furikake, + mirin !