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98 posts total
{h,}kc (carbonated)

Черная магия и немного unsafe { }@mo

{h,}kc (carbonated)
Dia: "I don't think that's how math supposed to look like"
{h,}kc (carbonated)

i can’t look at the word “pansexual” with the straight face

{h,}kc (carbonated)

Tip: if you have ✨special✨ top-level domain for your company, that’s immediate sign that your company sucks and does not prioritizes their budget.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

This cash could be someone's salary. A lot of salaries, in fact. To feed and treat a lot of families and individuals. Poor, overworked, burnt-out, depressed, unwell families and individuals. Poor, overworked, burnt-out, depressed, unwell families and individuals that are working your shitty jobs trying to get through your shitty shifts.

You opted for a fancy TLD instead.

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