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46 posts total
virgin android user
> carries extra power banks "just in case"
> "my APPS"
> can't cope without 802.11ac, bluetooth, NFC and 5G
> all proprietary, all the time
> even firefox is functionally chrome
chad postmarketOS user
> "battery? I just downclock the modem"
> multiple sets of software to choose from, keeps a list of gripes
> hardware video acceleration optional
> only nonfree software lives on the baseband processor
> choice of desktop browsers
virgin android user
> carries extra power banks "just in case"
> "my APPS"
> can't cope without 802.11ac, bluetooth, NFC and 5G
Meet Kelwena and Mantis.

Kelwena was a bully as a child, making life hell for the other children of her tribe. She and Mantis didn't get along well, with Mantis staying inside often to keep an eye on the fire and cooking.

Kelwena took up the responsibility of hunting, which suited her well. What she didn't expect was that this would make her dependent on Mantis, as Mantis made bows and arrows for the tribe, among other things. To her credit, she made up with Mantis, and they enjoyed a good relationship.

Unfortunately, Mantis was the victim of an accident that took away her sight, resulting in both depression and her being cast out from the tribe. Kelwena, perhaps feeling remorse for her previous actions, perhaps because she had simply improved as a person, decided to go with her. They married and left to strike out on their own.
Meet Kelwena and Mantis.

Kelwena was a bully as a child, making life hell for the other children of her tribe. She and Mantis didn't get along well, with Mantis staying inside often to keep an eye on the fire and cooking.
Rather than clicking the bell, you should add my channel to your RSS reader so you can check my channel for updates at your leisure.
zoomers will literally submit to The Algorithm and never know whether they'll see things they care about rather than enjoy the simplicity of an RSS reader
friendly reminder that if you're allergic to XML, there's a XEP for JSON-encoded XMPP
:umu: :umu:
@izaya >NOTICE: This document is Humorous. It MAY provide amusement but SHOULD NOT be taken seriously.

I hate android I hate android I hate android
this post brought to you by "asus software can't talk to asus services so I can't unlock this tablet without running a MITM proxy"
concept: a state without a legal concept of marriage
Does anyone have any info on setting up public services that run over ssh? Think a BBS over telnet, but I want it over ssh.
chjara be like
T-30: *technical discussion*
T-15: *discussion of something illegal in several territories*
T-0: yuri
going to build a pub and call it activity
kinda mad that this is eternally relevant
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