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43 posts total
People need to read bios before sending follow requests to locked accounts. Not meaning it for me right here, specifically. But just in general.
Honestly, on more private accounts, if you didn't read the bio on those and also have follow requests on here, I'm yeeting all of them. Chances are I don't know you.

If you don't read bios then you're accepting that your follow requests are going to get rejected on a whim. Nothing wrong with that, but if that's not what you wanted then read bios.
This remains the most "fedi" pic to me based on my interactions with you all
Subliminal space

An unsettling location that very silently whispers messaging to you
The internet really is a meowgical place.

There are so many people I would not have met otherwise. So many perspectives. So many things I have learned that I would not have without it.

I would not be the Epsi I am today without it, and I can definitely say it has made me a better person.
fucked up that we aren't bioluminescent
This is such bullshit cat ears are great on EVERYONE
undefined Kaede

>cat ears are great on everyone
==especially on @kafazen :blobfoxwinkmlem:

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