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734 posts total
nocci - May I get two followers to copy and repost this message? I’m trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening.

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Just two. Any two. Copy. Not boost.
nocci - May I get two followers to copy and repost this message? I’m trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening.

Es hört immer jemand zu.
I kinda like how tracing framework in QEMU works.
btw mcst accidentally leaked documentation on future elbrus-16c processor. 300 pages on EPIC(interrupts controller, replaces APIC from older processors), periphirals, EIOH and CPU itself.

I think it's meant to be public later but some people found it now early. :)

Document is in Russian, obviously, use DeepL if you need a translation.


мцст тем временем случайно слили документацию на будущий процессор эльбрус-16с. 300 страниц об EPIC (контроллере прерываний, заменивший APIC), периферии, EIOH и самом процессоре.

Я думаю оно и так должно было быть публичным спустя какое-то время, но кое-кто нашёл это сильно раньше.

btw mcst accidentally leaked documentation on future elbrus-16c processor. 300 pages on EPIC(interrupts controller, replaces APIC from older processors), periphirals, EIOH and CPU itself.

I think it's meant to be public later but some people found it now early. :)
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