“Jesus and Grimace are cousins!” was not a sentence I expected to write today, but here we are. #etymology
“Jesus and Grimace are cousins!” was not a sentence I expected to write today, but here we are. #etymology BREAKING: #FuckStalkerware pt. 7 - israeli national police found trying to purchase stalkerware
for the first time ever, we can prove governments, intelligence companies and data brokers have tried to strike deals with mSpy, a stalkerware company https://maia.crimew.gay/posts/fuckstalkerware-7/ This one simple hack lets you keep using photoshop without paying a monthly subscription! Silicon Valley hates her!
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@billgoats Sorry, ‘ancient Mac’?? That hurt. I swear I only learned to use computers on this thing a few years ago in school 😂 See! You can even use it to do real work. Here I am editing the cat photo I posted to mastodon earlier today. #RetroComputing #caturday @mnnwvn@mastodon.ml :blobcat_mudamudamuda::blobcat_mudamudamuda: #blobcat НеБумеры (<35 лет), вам скоро в одиночку разгребать пепелище, которое деды называют геополитикой. Какие эмоции у вас вызывают вооруженные конфликты? Репост, пожалуйста! Anonymous poll
Гордость, прилив адреналина и тестостерона
Нервный смех, недоумение, и стыд за "взрослых"
Я бумер
35 people voted. 10
Voting ended 13 June at 14:54.
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This is highly relevant to #MastodonSandwich FWIW
@abdalian drinking the grimace shake is an act similar to drinking wine as the blood of jesus