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143 posts total

recommendation for desktop linux matrix client? preferrably not official. multi account support is nice. good ux is good


Looking for programming gigs/work from 1st of march! 5 years experience. Been doing frontend/backend/fullstack. Mostly JS/TS but open to other stuff.

Ask if you have questions/DM if you want my CV. Lmk if you have any tips and feel free to pass along :)


You get to italy and suddenly the cars are cute


Oh you use google? I have to say i prefer


Has someone written on/tried to sum up how twitter community notes works, what parts work well and which don't? It looks like a maybe unique and useful feature that's stuck in that whole mess. We could maybe learn from it.


"Community Notes works differently than the rest of the platform. It is not a popularity contest. It aims to find notes that many people from different points of view will find helpful. It takes into account not only how many ratings a note has received, but also whether people who rated it helpful seem to come from different perspectives."

I feel like twitter would be nicer if every post worked like this


Wow iconic

"Sakawa is a Ghanaian term for illegal practices which combine modern Internet-based fraud with African traditionalist rituals." "The rituals, which are mostly in the form of sacrifices, are intended to spiritually manipulate victims so that the scammer's fraud is successful. The term Sakawa referred to specific online scams but has since broadened to include all types of online frauds and scams mainly targeting foreigners."


Interesting article about how prosthetic arms seem to be more about protecting able-bodied people's feelings than actually helping disabled people

Cass M 🇨🇦 :mstdn:

@powersource thank you for sharing this. It really shines a light on self-image, expectations of others, and income divide.


@powersource this is fascinating... and not surprising!


Can someone recommend a good alternative to tape (node.js)? A bit tired that it isn't that ergonomic, test output/diffing isn't great and pretty-printers like tap-arc can swallow exit codes. Is Jest big/clunky?

Bonus points if it's easy to migrate to but that's maybe too much to expect.

Andrew Chou

@powersource are you using a recent version of node? if so, would suggest the built-in runner:

we've been using Brittle which is pretty easy to work with but has some API differences to tape that I tend to easily forget:


@powersource it's not video but Mumble has a force TCP mode which would work over tor


Where's the tor option "pick at least one node outside of NATO"?


One of the most fun things at CCC this year for me. Rolling party demo that was really appreciated


How about a convention where social centers/hackerspaces try to have a kind of "library computer", basically a computer with basic features like maps and a browser and simple user accounts. Would encourage people to leave home without phones/laptops, and maybe in the long term get rid of their personal ones. Reducing IT device counts and digital addiction.


DUN DUN 48 hours remaining on surviving german new years with shops all closed


I love how my phone gps sometimes places me north of Berlin, I guess where cccamp was? Probably because of the same wifis being used?


My impression is that activitypub is mostly a fancy crossposter.


*just* understood the at protocol pun


dependabot weekly summary emails damn the most useless thing i've ever heard of


Where should I point someone who's getting into building simple websites and who's nostalgic for e.g. geocities?


"A system that is designed to grow indefinitely will inevitably lead to business models and then eventually to surveillance capitalism. The costs of storage grow to a point where you need to create an income stream to support them, and one obvious way of monetizing a large social database is to commoditize user data. Things just evolve beyond the capacity of end-user devices, and the only way to keep up is to manage bigger machines. As an example, in the early days of Bitcoin, it used to be possible to mine on a laptop, but now you need several specialized machines, and this only makes sense if you make income from it."

"A system that is designed to grow indefinitely will inevitably lead to business models and then eventually to surveillance capitalism. The costs of storage grow to a point where you need to create an income stream to support them, and one obvious way of monetizing a large social database is to commoditize user data. Things just evolve beyond the capacity of end-user devices, and the only way to keep up is to manage bigger machines. As an example, in the early days of Bitcoin, it used to be possible...

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