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120 posts total

Growing up in Central Turkey, we didn't have tap water in our houses; there were village fountains (with spring water) where you'd get your drinking water from.

But, and this is really the great part of, these kind of fountains ("çeşme") were everywhere at road crossings or places some long dead person liked, etc. Most of the time, relatives would finance the building of such a fountain for the benefit of everybody if one of their loved ones died and had a somewhat preferred place (least of which could be just in front of their house).

And since you can't, as a traveler, be expected to always carry a cup with you, there would always be a metal cup attached to a (thick) chain (built into the concrete) there. You'd then get there, take the metal cup, drink the cool spring water, thank the people who built it and, if you were someone of faith, pray for the soul of the deceased person (whose name would be inscribed on the concrete wall) and continue your journey.

And the basin in front, where the water is collected? Well, you see, humans aren't the only thirsty beings ... livestock, wild animals, birds - water is life for everybody!

I really loved this tradition: you never needed to carry water with you throughout Central Anatolia when traveling - there would always be a "çeşme" somewhere on your path...

And since then, cold water, for me, tastes only good from a metal container...

Growing up in Central Turkey, we didn't have tap water in our houses; there were village fountains (with spring water) where you'd get your drinking water from.

But, and this is really the great part of, these kind of fountains ("çeşme") were everywhere at road crossings or places some long dead person liked, etc. Most of the time, relatives would finance the building of such a fountain for the benefit of everybody if one of their loved ones died and had a somewhat preferred place (least of which...


"This evening, Google indiscriminately fired over two dozen workers, including those among us who did not directly participate in yesterday’s historic, bicoastal 10-hour sit-in protests. This flagrant act of retaliation is a clear indication that Google values its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers."

#Google #ProjectNimbus #Palestine

"This evening, Google indiscriminately fired over two dozen workers, including those among us who did not directly participate in yesterday’s historic, bicoastal 10-hour sit-in protests. This flagrant act of retaliation is a clear indication that Google values its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers."



What happened to 'Don't be evil'?


People who "sit too long on benches" getting surveilled by ai cameras in the stockholm subway


"I do understand the demand. We definitely aim for a better service than we sometimes provide. However, sometimes, the frustration of angry social-media-guys carries me away, and I'm even tempted to reply: "If you cannot live without the extreme guarantees of huge proprietary cloud platforms, you cannot have the freedom Codeberg provides"."


hmm is it possible to be logged into 2 different accounts on the same server on mastodon using the web interface? maybe easiest to pick 2 different servers?


ah well. does anyone know a nice server that can host a cool p2p project?


Telling docusaurus that yeah definitely you can find my github enterprise server at 🤫 it worked lmao #codeberg


So yeah damn. Big changes for SSB/P2P. Will miss André, he's been an amazing colleague. Still processing and letting this sink in. If someone wants to discuss the future of #ppppp with me just write.


wpuld love to learn more about ppppp. I am aware of it for a long time now, but what would you recommend is best to learn about the details? 🙂


Is there some open source/nonprofit/socialist alternative to ultimate guitar? That website is driving me crazy


a week ago i said i almost miss java. now i'm fighting the typescript typechecker and i take it all back


Any idea why I can't see from this account? I can on an alt.


Anyone know why they turned fb messenger e2ee? They felt some regulation around the corner?


You never get to practice your bladder as much as when it's raining and the only toilets are outdoor compost toilets.


In 2015 my .com domain was 9€, now it's 30€ 😢 Is this a general trend or is my provider shitty?


lol it's 15€ on njalla so i guess i have no reason not to move


Finally a database I can understand



Why does the alacritty dev have to die on such annoying hills 😢 Really feels like an engineer-perfectionism project

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