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24 posts total
wilkie (quilt appreciator)

a casual Friday night. it doesn't do much, but it does do this:

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

if you are building a brand new social media platform and it is not self-hosted and private by default, you are absolutely doing it wrong

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I've built these things and run them for tens of thousands of people and even at that small (felt very big at the time) size, they just fell apart so quickly. you need them to be community run and to limit the need for wide moderation.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I look forward to my GitHub copilot royalty check in the mail.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

i wanna read this article on fin dom but it is taunting my stamina and demanding I pay

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

don't have to tell all of YOU this, but what a bunch of bullshit to ignore the great work of the Social Web W3C group! Twitter has done nothing but antagonize us in the process. Keep reminding these opportunistic fools.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I think I've rolled over to a place of dark humor, because this is so funny to me. What a future.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

Finishing up my year by using my Modern Intel 8088 PC and revisiting one of my earliest memories: Think Quick. A educational logic game using the Robot Odyssey engine that had a level editor. Getting eaten by the worms and getting out of their belly was TERRIFYING.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

It is spelled JavaScript. It is spelled Elasticsearch. We live in chaos. A hellscape of our own making from which we can never flee.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I find lots of early 3D survival horror games very relatable. I, too, only look good from about 1 or 2 preset angles.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I finally uploaded much of my videos/lectures to a permanent domain with PeerTube. Phew.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

it is weird that Jordan Peterson had to travel so far in order to get his life back together. did he not have a copy of his book to read, instead?

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

My mail-order floppy collection. I lost all of my own originals, but I'm rebuilding and imaging these as I acquire them.

Darius Kazemi

@wilkie wow from the actual game companies! Mine were always from third party resellers like The Software Labs

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

watching Oracle buy any technology is immediate proof that capitalism doesn't work

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

once again annoyed that a growth account is 0.03% interest but my loans are 6.8% interest. how is anybody my age supposed to win capitalism.

Eugen Rochko

@wilkie Lucky, here bank interest is 0.01%. Your only option for larger gains is the stock market.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

oh no. I seemed to have written an i286 cpu emulator and also an HTML window system capable of rendering bitmap fonts and am intercepting 16-bit windows kernel calls. how did this happen.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

if microsoft won't give away windows 3.1 then I'll rewrite it in a clean room from scratch in JavaScript. i already live in this hell, i don't give a shit.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I, for one, like that we take distributed systems and sacrifice Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance in exchange for Capitalism.

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

It's unsurprising Twitter added audio uploads considering it's 100% their brand to take a feature like video upload, make it worse, and call it new.

Darius Kazemi

@wilkie huh, is it limited release? I'm not seeing it on the web app or my android client

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

how can any lucid, rational person watch any of this and ever trust the police

wilkie (quilt appreciator)

I'm trying my best to chill out and I've gotta say, PlayStation 2 emulation is SO GOOD right now.

Darius Kazemi

@wilkie I have enjoyed Mr. Mosquito thanks to the miracle of PS2 emulation in 2020

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