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23 posts total
:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

no vpn, DNS doesn't work
connect to vpn, DNS works, but internal shit doesn't
disconnect and reconnect to vpn, everything works


:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

Bro it's really not all that deap you just do this

(Thank you @waifu for making cute pleroma-tan)

@splitshockvirus @waifu
:pleroma-tan_boost1: :pleroma-tan_boost2:
:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

Play xonotic :sataniaThumbsUp: :monster_khaos: :doubt: :beter: :cirno_flap: :cirno_baka: :hamburger_petthex: :PogSlide: :pogfish: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :hyperfastparrot: :nana_smug: :pleromatan2: :eww: :florida: :gun: :doggi_dance: :booba: :amogus: @ceruds

:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

There is one thing I've always liked about soapbox, it's very minor but it's this explaination of the federated tab. It's extremely well written and straight to the point.

You don't really see that often in OSS.

casey is remote

@splitshockvirus Yep. It's insanely well-designed, it feels like the only #Fediverse frontend that's designed specifically to be accessible and appealing to most users, especially #Misskey. #Mastodon is kind of there but it feels more like it got there by accident, or by virtue of having been around for a long time and tweaked along the way, rather than being intentionally designed to have an appealing GUI.

:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

>just encrypt your hard drives
>just use an init system
>just use the hardened kernel
>just update the microcode
>just install OpenBSD
>just put a firewall at the perimeter
>just libreboot your thinkpad
>just get a processor built 10 years ago
>just uninstall the case fans
>just buy openPower
>just unplug the computer from the internet

>just encrypt your hard drives
>just use an init system
>just use the hardened kernel
>just update the microcode
>just install OpenBSD
>just put a firewall at the perimeter
>just libreboot your thinkpad
>just get a processor built 10 years ago
>just uninstall the case fans
>just buy openPower
>just unplug the computer from the internet

:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

>being too intellegent can actually be harmful
>you can overthink simple problems
>you'll make up reasons why you can't do something
>which is a cope


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