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39 posts total

#NeuralNetwork [Packify]( creates a brand identity for product packaging based on your description. There are 20 designs per month in the free plan. #design #Packify

#NeuralNetwork [Packify]( создает по вашему описанию фирменный стиль для упаковки продукта. В бесплатном тарифе 20 дизайнов в месяц. #дизигн #Packify


#prompt: A nostalgic vintage photo of a French woman from 1945, strolling down a cobbled street in Paris. She is dressed in a charming, era-appropriate outfit, with a broad smile on her face. In her arms, she carries a large, freshly-baked baguette, while a wicker basket holds six bottles of wine. The Parisian street is bustling with people, bicycles, and classic cars, exuding a charming, vintage ambiance.

#FakeHistory #ideogram #NeuralNetwork #AIArt #fnv1a32 a9d1c291


I have to say that Ideogram makes much more creative pictures than DALL-E 3. Maybe, of course, it's the automatic expansion of the prompt, anyway, I definitely like it. And the proportions of the picture can be different from square, which is also a huge advantage.

#FakeHistory #ideogram #krea #NeuralNetwork #AIArt #fnv1a32 c74293a0 @krea


#prompt: Captivating vintage black and white photograph showing a Victorian lady standing on a cobblestone street taking selfies with her iPhone. She is elegantly dressed in a luxurious Victorian outfit adorned with lace and intricate details. The most striking aspect of the image is the juxtaposition of the historical setting and modern technology: a gloved woman holding an iPhone. The overall atmosphere radiates a charming nostalgic charm, bridging the gap between past and present.


Роскошные ламповые коты от #playground кагбэ говорят нам, что история будет рассказана серьёзная :-D

#котэ #котолампа #NeuralNetwork #AIArt #fnv1a32 95574b45

#prompt: 🧵


#prompt: A captivating photograph of a large ginger cat lounging beneath a vintage green lampshade in a dimly lit room. The lampshade is adorned with intricate designs and a classic feel. The cat appears to be gazing intently at the viewer, as if sharing a secret. The room is filled with a mix of antique furniture and modern decor. The phrase "Настало время" (It's time) is written in Cyrillic at the top of the image, while "охуительных историй" (spooky stories) sits at the bottom


Так, я не понял, Гарри, ты на чьей стороне был? 🤔
#prompt: Harry Potter, dressed as a World War II soldier on the battlefield, sets fire to a German Tiger tank with a beam from his wand #DALLE3 #fnv1a32 23d3d0ac


#generator: #DALLE3
#prompt: Slavic deities Karachun and Morena in the form of an old man and a girl, in a winter forest, snowstorm, in the style of computer painting


#NeuralNetwork #AIArt #fnv1a32 ddcca5ad


Gauss guns, Made by Tesla, Designed by Xiaomi


Если есть туманность «Рука бога», значит где-то должен быть и его котик, не правда ли?

#prompt: A cosmic nebula in the shape of a kitty cat, photo from Hubble

#generated by #DALLE3

fnv132 48309ef4

(Inspired by

Artificial Stupidity

@johan Глаз бога помню, и по странному совпадению рандомайзер только что притащил эту обоину на рабочий стол


Prompt: Маленькие #котята-школьники, идут по городу в школу, на задних лапах, с маленькими рюкзаками за спиной

#NeuralNetwork: #DALLE3

Ну... Безо всякого умысла, просто котята 😉 [Здесь]( идею спер, считаю, что эти ничуть не хуже 😉


Кролики, яйца... Какая связь-то?..
Generator: #DALLE3

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