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43 posts total
for all sets X, if the empty set is not an element of X, then there exists a function from X to a subset of X such that for all A in X, f(A) is in A
that seems like a very long winded way to say "if B is in A, then B is in A"

"The axiom of choice is obviously true, the well-ordering principle obviously false, and who can tell about Zorn's lemma?"

— Jerry Bona

poast was created by an "apolitical" nerd who just so happens to be a neo nazi to accomodate the hordes of racist 13 year old who got banned off twitter
"that's a lie, trans people cannot double jump, trans people can dash"
alex jones is fucking incredible
like the bullshit he's spewing is absurd
but like he's like
real-life anime character
foxes are like weird dogs if instead of dogs it was foxes
"hating on minorities is counterproductive, hate the rich instead"
"ah so the jews"
hearing the screams of a million gamers as i put she/her in my discord bio
"how is this done in super nintendo?" - vinny hearing high-quality voice coming out of a smw hack
believe it or not but the snes actually has PCM output, it just takes careful coding on the CPU and DSP sides and a lot of cartridge space

@chjara careful arrangement of samples and masterful use of composing still keeping in mind some channels are still needed for ingame sounds versus

one sample looped over and over

>youtube comment saying "stealing from corporations is always morally correct"
>open replies
>regret it
sfr, guardian of the boy :ralseiplush1:
@chjara i have a classmate who's very blatantly capitalist, and i asked him "hey who's your favourite billionaire"
you know
as a joke
to make fun of him

the guy answered
there's no joke have a hug :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: :hug2:
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