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37 posts total

Valentine's Day, over the years, chez nous. I always look forward to the bouquet arriving.


Is everyone ready for some hard-core cuteness?

I thought so...


Maggie (tortie), Cherokee (GSD) and Frodo (black) all piled up in the bed.


Came downstairs to my desk, to find Frodo in my chair - he does the same to my wife upstairs.

The sun is coming through the south window as the daylight is ending. So I rolled Frodo, in the chair, over to the window and into the sun puddle.

Had to turn his chair to get him properly lit, to take these pics. Turned him back around and he went back to sleep. He's so lazy.


Domestic Drama Update:

The wife gave me a lovely Xmas present: a big fluffy housecoat. I don't wear it, unless I'm running out to the mailbox, for it is quite warm.

I leave it covering the foot of my half of the bed, shaped into a Cat Nest. Maggie sleeps in it.

Came upstairs late, Maggie in tow. Frodo aka Fatt Boi was in the Cat Nest. Loud growling ensued, Frodo would not move.

Poor Maggie was obliged to sleep against my wife's feet.


Fat Boi Frodo, enjoying the sunshine. If you listen closely, he is purring. I love him so.


... we raised six kittens abandoned by their mother, syringe fed them 24 hours a day.

This was the first day they were brought out of the Kitten Room.

I'll probably never take a better cat photograph.


A tortoiseshell cat, Maggie, peeking out from the armrest of my own work chair, which the kittles have pretty much destroyed over time


Moping around here, scrolling through /memes for a pick-me-up.

You may need one, too.


My swine kitties, Maggie and Frodo (brother and sister) are fighting under the desk. They have pulled down the wiring.

I have my pincher-grabber tool (orange tips) in there, trying to give Frodo a refreshing pinch to get him out there. He starts these things.


Miss Maggie believes she can master philosophical concepts by sleeping on them.

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