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43 posts total

Toby must be feeling better, he's being friendly with Hector again. They were sleeping by the window for a couple hours like this the other day.


Hector and Molly on a brief warm day earlier this week.


Toby is now over the urinary issues, but has been confirmed to be back to being diabetic (he had gone into remission last year, which was another exciting and stressful period of vet visits). He is responding well to insulin but hasn't forgiven me for trying to get a blood glucose reading this morning.


Hector has finally crashed out after running around like a maniac.


Now we wait for test results to see why Toby is still having trouble. Fingers crossed it's just an infection that didn't respond to first antibiotic and we can try a second one.


Toby is feeling much better after his (thankfully) brief illness this week. This is him on one of his vet visits.


Three vet visits, two medications, one special tummy food and... Toby is starting to feel better.

Aunt Eef

@commonst Toby has had just about enough of your 💩

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