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17 posts total

a silly cat but I keep shrinking him (he was too silly, officer)

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Cats #Animals


#Caturday Silly: Awaiting your reply...

[I'm gonna start sharing both old and new cat-related art every saturday! Stay tuned for more in the following weeks :) ]

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Animals #Cat


It seems like your timeline's missing something... Oh, I know what it is!

oldie but goldie: Flock Sillies

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Animals #Birds

Angua :spinny_fox_disability:

Yes indeed!

Thank you.

Your renditions evoke happy memories of the original Monkey Islands.


the pixel art brothers

legends say that if you pet them all at the same time, you become the pixel art master!

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Animals #Cats


oh, your feed seems a bit too calm...

oldie but goldie: curse of angy kitty be upon you

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Animals #Cats


Oh no!

For some silly reason you forgot to have a gift for your partner or loved one? Worry not, I got the perfect solution for you... Silly Animal Redraw Valentine Cards! Perfect for your true love

If it wasn't obvious, these are free to use!

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #ValentinesDay #ValentineCard #Cats #Animals


Back when I joined Mastodon in early July, I didn't knew what to expect. 4 months later, I'm happy to say that we reached 1K followers!

Thanks for being one of the most supportive communities I've ever met! I'm glad that you all like the works I do and decided to stick around for more.

I'm gonna share something special for this milestone in a bit, but for now, thanks @NullTheFool for letting me know about Mastodon and making it easier to join, I probably wouldn't have joined without your help!

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