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Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Sheena Penelope at my mother's house. The cats love it there. When I tell them we are going to Grandma's, Joey runs and jumps into the carrier and Sheena follows him. #catsofmastodon mastodon

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Playing in and around the laundry basket/scratching post. #catsofmastodon #cats

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

The treats are kept on the top cubby. He knew this. So today, he started jumping from the counter onto my shoulder to get closer. At first he reached up to the door frame, thinking he could walk along it but he finally just leapt across the kitchen to the top of that shelf. He couldn't quite get the treats. But was very content with himself, sitting and purring up there. Now he lives up on my shoulders. #catsofmastodon #blackcats

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Sheena Penelope climbs up my leg to join Joey Puppycat for a ride around the house. #catsofmastodon #heterochromia

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