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Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

What we have here is a picture of Penelope licking the shower door while Joey rolls his eyes. Classic weirdo cat life. #catsofmastodon

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

I just turned to see him staring at me while I'm sitting on the toilet.
#blackcats #catsofmastodon #bathroomantics

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Even though Joey, who is essentially a puppy dog masquerading as a cat, isn't interested in catnip, I got it out for my tea and Penelope went crazy trying to get into the jar, so I gave her a little (her first time). Now she's stoned. #stonedcat #catsofmastodon #catnip

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

The moment I put out the new bath mat they came running to go lay down on it.

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Why he licks the bottom of the tub and she licks the door after I get out, I do not know. But that is the way. #catsofmastodon

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Joey watching the water come down before I get in the shower. #catsofmastodon #blackcats

Eric the Flerken Ailurophile

Joey sits atop the toilet, waiting to watch me take a shower, while Penelope plays with his tail. As soon as I turn off the water, they get into the tub with me. #catsofmastodon

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