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51 posts total

Laundry is done for the week so we're taking a break on the balcony, Couch potato buddy thinks it's cooler under my chair so no lap cuddles but I'm enjoying that warm sun on my sore body. #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCat


We're enjoying some outside chill time. #CatsOfMastodon


Sounds like someone's up on the roof doing some work & Couch potato buddy is not happy about the hammering. #CatsOfMastodon


Couch potato buddy has let her Sunday slip into her Monday, smart cat! #CatsOfMastodon


Couch potato buddy having a ball on this lovely Friday evening & she hopes you're having a ball too! #catsofmastodon


I had a couple of shadow casters this morning! I'd have to say the fly is a good indication that it's nice outside in Calgary. #CatsOfMastodon


A quiet morning watching Snatch the series on TV with Couch potato buddy playing 1 of her favorite toys on the end of the futon. #CatsOfMastodon


Chilling with Couch potato buddy on this lovely #Caturday afternoon #CatsOfMastodon


I went to the bathroom & was reaching for the light when I saw a shadow moved on the counter which made me jump a little. This was the shadow who was getting a drink from the container of water I keep next to the sink just in case the water goes off but seems to think I keep it there for her! #SpoiledCat #CatsOfMastodon


Don't let your Monday ruin your Sunday! ✌️ #CatsOfMastodon


She could be up on the futon with me but no Couch potato buddy chooses to sleep on the floor. #CatsofMastodon


I rearranged & cleaned my closet today. I took out all the balcony stuff, moved a dresser in & rearranged a couple of cat bed boxes for my royal highness to sleep on which I see she's already made herself comfortable on. Now I have a little bit more room in my bedroom to walk around the bed + I have 2 empty bins that I can use for gardening this spring. #CatsofMastodon

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