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209 posts total
:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

we've come fucking full circle

litterally what the guy who made tux once noticed

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

sorry honey

the OMEMO encryption stays on during sex

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

some idiots things its needed to say that heavy from TF2 doesn't approve of whats russia is doing (an invasion)

guy if you thing that you clearly didn't read the fucking comics

heavy and his family has been sent to a fucking gulag, (and he survived). he fucking doesn't like the russian governement. at all. like he loves his russian family and friends. but the russian gov sent him and his sisters to a fucking gulag he doesn't approve on the invasion and any war the russian gov did

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

i swear if i see another 3d printer enthusiast print another stupid little 3d benchy i will start mailing them anthrax

you have a 3d printer and the means to print the cutest shit and pretty stuff, i can see print detail on it trust me i swear its the same i don't need to see another fucking 3d benchy they look all the same, i cannot tell you how much i wanna smash your 3d printer with a hammer it is a 3d printer not a 3dbenchy printer you can print something else than a benchy i swear i will be able to tell the print quality if that's what you wanna show me just print anything fucking anyting whats the point of a 3d printer if you only want 3dbenchies just buy a fucking injection mold of that stupid little boat with wrong proportions. you are an insult to human imagination and are wasting your filament for those little shits you'll never use. you can print flowers, dragons, anime figurines or little planets and any plastic tow you want and you choose this stupid boat. people will look at your benchy that took 3 hours of your printer and go "oh another benchy", they will not apreciate the detail of the print. its a bechy. they'll forget you have one in 2 seconds. why did you bought this 3d printer. why. is it to post one picture of it on reddit and never use it again? or or or or i know: print a 3d printer "upgrade"? if you mention that little fucking groot figurine i'll shoot you

i swear if i see another 3d printer enthusiast print another stupid little 3d benchy i will start mailing them anthrax

you have a 3d printer and the means to print the cutest shit and pretty stuff, i can see print detail on it trust me i swear its the same i don't need to see another fucking 3d benchy they look all the same, i cannot tell you how much i wanna smash your 3d printer with a hammer it is a 3d printer not a 3dbenchy printer you can print something else than a benchy i swear i will be able...

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

​:blobcatgoogly:​ congrats on your new car igor

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

people who post a portrait video of a landscape video in portrait

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