Oreo yowled the new cat away#cats
The guards are on duty #cats #catsofmastodon
Sleeping on the job#cats #catsofmastodon
Betty White has integrated well with the calico clan#cats #catsofmastodon
Oliver enjoying the sunshine #cats #catsofmastodon
Mr Lynx: You see the problem I have, why aren't you solving it?
#cats #catsofmastodon
The calico trio was on duty last night #cats #catsofmastodon
Friday lunch bunch#cats #catsofmastodon
New long hair kitty is still shy#cats #catsofmastodon
Four at the door#cats #catsofmastodon
MiniT is inside curious, but not inside ready. Yet.#cats #catsofmastodon
Mr Lynx was missing for a few days, seems OK.
Mr Lynx supervises the bird feeding#cats #catsofmastodon
Honey think I could have done more to prevent the fireworks. #cats #catsofmastodon
MiniT would like more please #cats #catsofmastodon
My twins have turned into triplets. Bonus, the new cat is tipped, so no need to TNR myself. #cats #catsofmastodon