Biscuit’s favorite stretchy snooze position #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Karel’s sarcasm face #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Alfie enjoying my daughter’s over-accessorized bed #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Leave me alone with my sun #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Karel is taking it easy today #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Dibs on both these beds, no backsies #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Karel surveying his domain #WhiskersWednesday #CatsOfMastodon
Once again Biscuit tries to evict Alfie #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Peace talks break down as battle over beds continues #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Gato named Oscuro at our hotel in Casco Viejo, Panama City #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
One leg clean, three more to go #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Biscuit’s favorite morning show is Lizards of the Porch #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
Psst… c’mere so I can scratch you #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
❤️ Alfie’s slightly crossed eyes #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Hand rubs and evil schemes #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Biscuit uses a paw on the window for a better look #FensterFreitag #CatsOfMastodon premature #Caturday
This Panama City gato has seen my kind before #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
A fragile peace has been achieved #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Our neighbor is growing stray cats #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Contents may have shifted during delivery #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon