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29 posts total
Douglas VB

Winston and Oliver being ridiculously cute earlier today. #catsOfMastodon

Douglas VB

Oliver and Winston are plotting something


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The Fresh Beets

@douglasvb Cats are generally always plotting, whether it be mischief or murder. These two definitely having something cooking though. Winston in particular looks like he's straining to hide his contempt. Maybe sleep with one eye open this week?

Douglas VB

Winston was very brave today even though he was very scared and allowed me to coax him around the whole perimeter of the house. He needed some reassurance from his big bro Oliver though to finish the trek.

#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

Douglas VB

For #Caturday here's Winston (yawning) and Oliver laying in their favorite box of dead grass on the patio.

Douglas VB

Okay I have a #Bee #apiary #beesOfMastodon question that relates to #CatsOfMastodon because of our orange menace, Winston.

We have an occasional bee show up in the morning on our patio. It is cold so the bees are slow and on the ground.

Winston seems to have bee radar and will sprint out there from another part of the house for a spicy sky raisin snack. Winston is also allergic to bees and went to the emergency vet last week after eating one.

How can we keep the bees away?

Douglas VB

For #caturday here's our orange bad boy who decided to eat another bee this week which got him a trip to the emergency vet. He's fine now and can't wait to eat another bee soon 🙄

His big bro, our tuxedo #CatsOfMastodon , tolerates his love.

Douglas VB

Oliver and Winston playing with a spring. Both of their birthdays are in the next few days so we're giving them plenty of new toys to add to their massive toy collection.


Douglas VB

We're late for #caturday but our #catsOfMastodon boys love the new bed their grandma got them 😻

Douglas VB

Winston and Oliver spent a lot of time on the patio today. #CatsOfMastodon

Douglas VB

Well that's a new behavior for Winston. I think he was trying to get to the roof to go after a bird?


Douglas VB

Does #CatsOfMastodon have any recommendations on a cat exercise wheel? Our orange boy Winston I think would love one.

And here's a rare picture of Winston at rest.

Douglas VB

Oliver was a big jerk and decided it was his time to shine at 330am. For about an hour he was running around the house to various different windows and batting at the blinds. There was a neighborhood kitty outside that he had to make sure knew that this is HIS house and there's no more room for stray cats here. Never mind that Oliver was a stray who showed up and came inside after being invited by our two since passed elderly kitties.



Douglas VB

Winston learned that he shouldn't try to eat bees today. He's got a quarter tablet of Benadryl in him now and he's feeling a bit better. His big bro Oliver is staying close to him.

It was less than fun chasing the little streak of orange around the house earlier while he was vomiting and howling and 💩ing all over. His reaction to the bee sting wasn't great.

We did talk to a vet and they told us to do the Benadryl and monitor him. So far, so good. No massive reaction

#caturday #catsofmastodon

Douglas VB

#caturday just a little early. Our two boys are best bros after only a month together 😻


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