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30 posts total
Carl Anthony

Hawk enjoying Apollo 13 on Netflix this afternoon.

Carl Anthony

Me advising first time pet parents: "The signs of a cat who wants breakfast will be subtle. In fact, it may be impossible to tell what your cat's true intentions are. Always be alert."

Carl Anthony

Before we adopted Hawk from the Michigan Humane Society, he suffered a facial injury as a result of being abandoned and abused.

They did several surgeries and nursed him back to health before he came home with us.

He can still see partially out of his right eye ... he is missing some teeth, but eating chicken hearts (his favorite treat!) is no problem. The shelf in the background is filled with his toys!

If you have a furry best friend, give them some love today!

Carl Anthony

"I will guard the birthday cake until the party starts."

Carl Anthony

🚨🚨💤 Nap Time Launch Sequence Activated
... This is Not a Drill .... Repeat: Nap Time Launch Sequence Activated ..... 5,4,3,2,1 ......

Carl Anthony

"I am ferocious, I am wild ... I am oddly comfortable."

😸 Lazy Saturday morning on the couch. Hawk has decided that stretching his front paws over my leg is comfortable. I expect a giant yawn from him any minute now.

Carl Anthony

"This better be good, interrupting my dinner - and it better not be for a photo for that stupid hashtag."

😸 Hawk is special, coming to us from the Michigan Humane Society. He was abandoned and abused and suffered a facial injury before he was picked up as a stray (you can see the injuries on his right side).

Two years later, he is out of the cold and officially my best buddy!!

Carl Anthony

"The issue is more complicated than we originally thought. I can fix it, but will need a can of sardines and some of those freeze dried chicken hearts."

⚛️Revertron :straight:

@AutoVisionNews The best electritian ever!

(But I'm biased, love orange cats more than others)

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